Chapter Twenty-Three: You're Such an Eggplant

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I woke up the next morning, my head pounding. I sat up and went into my bathroom and took aspirin and then I laid back in bed. I was completely hung over, and. After an hour or so I went into the kitchen and it was complete wrecked. I grabbed the milk from the fridge and a box of cereal and poured some into a bowl, then poured milk over it. I grabbed the bowl and turned around to go back to my room.

When I turned around Luke was standing the. I jumped and let out a small yep.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." he said.

"It's okay I didn't expect you to still be here...where did you sleep?" I asked

"I woke up on the couch in the basement." He said.

"Oh well you can come back into my room if you want." I said.

"Only if I can have some of your cereal." he said.

"Grab a spoon." I said. We walked to my room, and sat on my bed. We started to eat the cereal.

"So are you going to talk to Sarah today?" he said.

"Absolutely not, she's lucky if I even talk to her ever again." I said. I then realized that I hadn't told Luke that I saw her making out with Trevor, so really I had no reason to be so mad.

"Okay...I mean it wasn't her fault that she was mad." he said

"Yeah but-" I stopped myself.

"Tessie what are you not telling me?" he asked

"Um...I kind of found Sarah last night." I said, trying not to make eye contact with him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he said.

"I might have seen her making out with Trevor" I said.

"What?!" he yelled.

"It's not a big deal, I'm over him." I said.

"She only did that to piss you off!" he said firmly.

"I know but it doesn't bother me."

"You sure?" he said calmly

"Yeah, besides he wasn't that good of a kisser anyway." I said.

"What about me?" he kissed me.

"Way better." I smiled. We finished our cereal and then went into the kitchen and started to clean up a little. We were almost done when we heard someone coming down the hall. I stopped when I saw that it wasn't Sarah. It was fucking Trevor.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped. He didn't answer me. We just stood there staring at each other.

"Um...I stayed with Sarah." he finally. I wanted to strangle him.

"I figured that's why you were here since you and her had such a fun time last night." I said.

"And why is he here?" Trevor said, pointing at Luke.

"That's none of your business." I said.

"Well I'll just grab my stuff and go then." He said.

"Yeah that would be great." I said. He grabbed a bag off the couch and went out the door. Without saying anything else I kept cleaning.

"Tessie-" Luke began to talk but I interrupted him.

"I'm fine, let's just get this place cleaned up before my parents come home." I said. He dropped the trash bag that he was putting garbage in and looked at me. He stepped closer to me. I had now stopped cleaning.

"Don't make me do it." he said.

"Do what?" I said. In an instant he picked me up and I was over his shoulder. I let out a yelp.

"I warned you." he said

"You weren't very specific on what I was doing wrong, and put me down." I laughed. 

"Not until you stop being a bummer." He said.

"Okay okay I'll stop just put me down." I said. With that he placed me back on the ground.

"See was that so hard?" he said. I hit him in the arm.

"Your such a eggplant." I said. He gave me a strange look. Then we continued cleaning and when we were eventually done we went back into my room and sat on my bed.

"So what's your story?" he asked me.

"What do you mean?" I responded.

"What do you want to in life and what had happened already in the past?" he said

"Well I don't know what I want to do in the future, and there's really nothing to tell about my past."

"Oh come on there has to be something that happened to you that's interesting." he complained

"Except for my dad marrying Maria, and my mom-" I stopped when I thought of the memory.

"Forget I ever said anything." he said

"Is that what you wanted to know about, about my mom?" I asked him

"Kind of but it doesn't matter." he said.

"It's okay I can talk about it." I said

"What happened to her?" he asked

"She got a brain tumor when I was about eight, and she was doing fine for about year and then out of know where in the middle of the night she started having these bad headaches to the point where she would cry. One night my dad got up and we drove her to the hospital. The doctors said that the tumor had grown and there was no way to stop it. A couple of months later she died." I said, One tear swept down my face but I wiped it away quickly.

"I didn't mean to make you upset Tessie." he said

"I'm okay." I said, with a slight smile on my face. We sat there, I tried to block out the memory and lighten up the mood.

"So what's your story?" I asked him

"Well I know I want to do something with music, and I just lived a normal teenage life." he said

"There has to be something more than that." I said

"Honestly you're the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me." he said. I blushed slightly. We just talked for a while, about crazy things, but in the back of my mind I kept thinking of my mom.

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