Chapter Forty-Three: You Look like you just Killed a Litter of Puppies.

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I woke up Monday morning and put my hair in messy bun. I then got on a Nirvana shirt and black leggings on. I went out into the kitchen and Sarah was sitting at the table. I told myself not to tell her that Calum was going to ask her to homecoming. I wanted her to be surprise when he asked her.

"Morning" I said. She turned and gave me glare.

"What are you hiding?" she immediately asked.

"What? I'm not hiding anything" I said. My palms were sweating and my body was stiff. If that didn't give away that I was hiding something than I don't know what would.

"Tessa, I've known you since we were thirteen I can tell when your hiding something." she said, placing one hand on her hip.

"I would tell you, but then you wouldn't be surprised." I finally said.

"Tessa, please tell me it's a good surprise." she pleeded.

"It is but if I tell you then it won't be as...exciting." I said.

"Fine" she turned back around and continued to make her toaste.

"I'm going to head to school early." I said.

"Okay, see you later." she said, not even turning around. I got my shoes on and made my way to school. I saw Michael come out of his house the same time as me. He walked over to me.

"Did I ever mention that I suck at keeping secrets?" I said.

"Yeah you do suck at keeping secrets" he stated. We walked a little until Michael said something again. "Oh my god, did Calum tell you what he's going to do today?!" he asked.

"Yeah he's asking Sarah to homecoming." I said.

"Yeah, I would have never thought he liked Sarah." he said.

"I know right, but Sarah likes him too so it works out perfectly." I said.

"Wait Sarah likes Calum?" he asked. I nodded. He looked a bit shocked. We continued to walk and then finally got to the school. I went to my locker but Luke didn't meet me there because I was early.


I was now at gym, and I got changed and went into the gym. Calum walked up to me with a nervous look on his face.

"You okay? You look like you just killed a litter of puppies" I said.

"No I'm not fine. I can't do it!" he exclaimed.

"Wait what you have to. You know how upset she'll be." I said.

"What if she says no?" he asked.

"She's not going to" I said. He started breathing heavily. I walked away to go get Luke, and left him standing there. I grabbed Luke by the arm and pulled him over to where Calum was standing. Calum just stood there not even looking at us. Luke waved his hand in front of his face and he didn't even blink.

"What did you do to poor Calum?" Luke asked me.

"I didn't do anything, he was nervous about asking Sarah to homecoming." I said.The coach blew the whistle and told all of us to start walking outside.

"Okay come on Calum." Luke picked him up and started walking towards the boys locker room.

"Where are you going?" I said

"Into the locker room. He needs a break from school for a bit." he said. He opened the door and looked back at me.

"You coming?" he asked me.

"In there?" I asked.

"Yeah there's no one in here." he said. I sighed and followed him into the locker room. He put Calum down and he just stood still.

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