Chapter Twenty: I Never Run I'm more of a Sleeping Kind of Person.

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It was close to midnight and me and Luke were still bowling.

"I should get home, my dad probably has a search party looking for me." I said. He rolled on more ball down the lane.

"Okay...but first you have to answer something." he said.

"If it involves me skipping another day of school, the answer is no." I giggled.

"It has nothing to do with that...Tessa O'Connell will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. I began to blush. I can't believe Luke Hemmings wanted me, of all the people in the world he wanted me to be his girlfriend. I paused for a minute. I took a deep breathe

"I swear to god you have me brain washed...yes" I said. His face lit up. He had the biggest smile I've ever seen. He walked over to me and cupped his hands around my face and kissed me. I of course kissed back. We eventually pulled away.

"I have to get used to that." I said. He laughed. We both walked out of the bowling alley and got into his car. We drove in silence until we got to my house.

"I can't believe you said yes." Luke said.

"Surprised?" I said

"Yeah." he replied.

"Well I got to go, I'll talk to you tomorrow." I said.

"Bye." he said. I got out of the car and walked up to my front door and walked inside quietly. I went into my room and changed into more comfortable closes and got into bed. Tonight was one of the best nights of my life.


I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I hit snooze and slowly got up and got into the shower. I got dressed into a shirt that said "Teenage Dirtbag" and black leggings and total black converse. Then I put my hair into a messy bun. I went into the kitchen where my dad and Maria sat at the table.

"Morning." I said. The sat there in silence. My dad was reading the paper and Maria ate a bowl of oat meal.

"Okay don't say good morning, that's okay too." I said firmly.

"Tessa can you please explain, the phone call your principal made to us." my dad snapped

"I was going to tell you but it just slipped my mind, got mad at the teacher and a curse slipped out of my mouth-" He interrupted me.

"You have a weeks detention Tessa it's kind of a big deal, and now he's telling us you missed the first day."

"Listen I forgot, I'm sorry." I said.

"No sorry this time Tessa, you now have to make up for that day, and you are gong to miss the half of Sarah's party." he snapped again.

"I don't want to go to her stupid party anyway." I said. I didn't let him get a word in, because I walked out and slammed the door behind me. I walked to school, and now I was mad. I went to my locker and unpacked my bag and started to grab my books. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Beth standing there.

"Hey." I said angrily.

"What's up with you?" she said.

"Sorry my dad just made me angry, let's just go to class." I said, trying to sound more calm. We sat down at our desk. I didn't want to tell Beth about me and Luke...yet. I just talked about our date and what had happened this morning with my dad.

"I would be jumping for joy if I could miss that party entirely." I said.

"Good thing I don't have to go." she said. I gave her an evil smile

"No Tessa you couldn't pay me to go to that stuck up bitch's party." she said

"Please please I will be so bored if you don't come." I begged her.

"No...and nothing is going to change my mind." she said

"I could get Michael to go." I said to her. She let out a sigh.

"Fine but only if he is going." she said.

"Okay." I said. The bell rang and I walked to gym. I got changed and went into the gym. I waked to why my class sat, and sat by myself. Luke walked over and sat with me.

"Hello beautiful Tessie." he said

"Remember I'm not really used to the whole compliment thing, so go easy on me." I said. He laughed.

"Are you going to be at Sarah's party next Friday?" he said.

"Well I have detention till five because I missed it yesterday, but after that I'll be there. Why?"

"Um she invited me but I wasn't gonna go unless you were there."

"Yeah, and Michael and Beth are going to be there too." I said.

"Okay cool." he said. The coached called for everyone to walk to the track because we were running, but never run, I'm more of a sleeping kind of person, so Luke and Calum walked with me. Calum kept giving weird looks like he knew something, and I was going to find out what. Luke walked over to another one of his friends.

"What do you know Hood?" I asked Calum

"I can't tell you or you'll kill me and Luke." he said.

"If you don't tell me then I will still kill you." I threatened.

"Okay Luke told me that you and him were going out." he said nervously.

"You're right I'm going to kill both of you." I walked over to Luke and dragged him by the collar towards Calum.

"Which one of you want to talk first." I asked them.

"Calum what did you do?" Luke whispered to him.

"She threatened me I didn't know what to do." he whispered back

"Spit it out Hemings, why did you spill the beans about me and you to Calum?" I asked Luke.

"Well he's my friend, and I kind of told Michael and Ashton too." he said.

"We haven't even been going out for twenty-four hours." I said firmly.

"I know but I tell my band everything." he said. I looked at him, then at Calum, then at him again.

"I won't kill you two...this time, but if anyone else knows before I tell them, all four of you will pay for it." I said.

"Fine." they said in unison.

"You two have a strange way of showing your feelings." Calum said.

"We know." me and Luke said in unison.

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