Chapter Fifteen: Last Time I saw Her she had Pasta Sauce in her Hair

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I went into my room when Beth fell asleep. Maria had gone home and would be back in the morning. I laid back into the bed trying to think of something else so I don't feel the pain but it wasn't working. I closed my eyes for second until I heard a knock at the door. It was Luke.

"Hey." he said, looking at the ground.

"Hey." I said

"How are you feeling?" he sat in the chair next to my bed.

"Honestly I feel like shit." I let out a sigh.

"Well at least you Beth are okay." he still refused to make eye contact with me. It was completely awkward between us.



"I'm sorry." I said to him

"What...why?" he said, now looking at me completely.

"I was being an ass the other night at Michale's" I said.

"No I was being an ass at school when I saw you and Calum."

"What was that about by the way?"

"I don't know I guess you could say I was a little jealous."

"Luke Hemmings did you just admit that you were jealous of someone?" I giggled

"Yeah I know it's a once an a life time opportunity." We both laughed, but I stopped because it began to hurt.

"Sorry it just kind of hurts when I move." I smiled

"Oh wow, when do you think you could be out of here?"

"I don't know, the doctors said Beth could go home in a day or so but I'm not in the best condition as she is, so."


"Why do you ask?"

"I don't know just wondering if you would...never mind." he said biting his lip.

"What?" I smiled at him.

"I was just thinking maybe when your well enough if you wanted to maybe try the whole date thing again." he said nervously

"I've been gone from school for three days and your already hitting on me again...but yeah sure why not I had fun last time."

"Wait really?"

"Yeah...surprised I said yes?"

"Kinda yeah." I smiled at his comment because usually I would turn a guy like him down in a second but there was something about him.

"Thanks." He laughed

"Why are you thanking me?"

"Because you said you would usually turn a guy like me down but you didn't so thanks." he gave me a small smile. I hit my forehead.

"I was talking out loud again."

"Yup, but if it makes you feel better I find it extremely attractive." He gave me smirk. I punched him in the arm. I instantly felt pain in my side. I let out a moan.

"You okay?" He put his hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me.

"Yeah I'm good, will you hand me those extra bandages." I said. He picked up the bandages and handed them to me. I began to take my shirt off.

"Whoa what are you doing?" he said.

"Changing my bandages, what does it look like I'm doing?" I gave him a look of confusion.

"Well give me some warning so I can close my eyes."

"Well you kind of have to help me." I said

"Why don't you get one of the nurses." He said, trying not to look at me.

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