Chapter Seven: I Feel like Ten Elephants just Ran over Me

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I didn't want to go school ever again I was to embarrassed to face Luke or worse Sarah. Eventually I forced myself out of bed. I didn't eat breakfast I just left hoping I wouldn't have to face Sarah. I walked into school not making eye contact with anyone. I opened my locker, got my books and hurried to homeroom, where Beth sat.

"Hey sorry I wasn't at your locker I came in a little late."

"It's okay" I said with a fake smile

"Alright who do I have to kill?"

"What? Nobody."

"I don't believe you. Do you really want me to ask around?"

"Beth I'm fine honestly."

"Oh now I know your not, once you use the words I'm fine I can tell something happened."

"Okay listen me and Sarah had a little argument and Luke might have been involved but I don't want to talk about it."


"I don't want to talk about it." I interrupted.

"Okay." she sighed. The bell rang and I slowly I went to gym class because Luke was in it so I wasn't all that thrilled to see him. I got changed for gym and then stood in the corner waiting for them to take attendance, when Calum walked over towards me.

"Hey what are doing over here?"

"Nothing just keeping to myself." I lied

"Well come over here with me and Luke."

"Calum I-"

"I get it you don't really care for Luke but I'm leaving you over here by yourself." before I could say anything else he was already pulling by my arm. We stood over by Luke he just stared at me for a few minutes.

"Is there something going on?" Calum asked, gesturing towards me and Luke.

"No." I said trying to hide the fact that I was nervous

"Yeah there's nothing going on." Luke said, agreeing with me. Eventually we had to go outside to the baseball field. Luke held me behind the class.

"Tessa listen-"

"It's fine about yesterday I can handle Sarah."

"Yeah when"

"Kissed me yeah I know it was just a mistake okay." I said walking away but he grabbed my arm.

"I didn't think it was." he said looking down at me.

"I've told you this before you are Luke Hemmings the bad boy and the guy that every girl drools over and the guy I want nothing to do with."

"And you are Tessa O'Connell, the shy girl, that no one knows, and the girl that I want everything to do with."

"Luke I'm sorry." I said walking outside joining the rest of the class. We were playing baseball again but today I didn't want play the in field. When Calum got up to hit, he hit it all the way into the outfield towards me. It was a pop-fly and I went to catch it but it went of my glove and hit me straight in my face. I fell to the ground, blood pouring out of my nose, and my ears ringing. The last thing I saw was Luke kneeling next to me.

I woke up in the nurses office. She looked at me and smiled.

"How are you feeling?" she asked me

"I feel like ten elephants just ran over me"

"Well you're lucky that boy carried you in here instead of me coming to you because your nose bleeding pretty badly."

"What boy?"

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