Chapter Twenty-One: Look what Cat Dragged in.

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Today was my last day of detention, and Sarah's famous birthday party. I get up and and put on light blue skinny jeans and and I white tank top with a tribal eye pattern on it, and blue beanie. For jewelry I wore rubber bracelets with band names on them and also a choker.

I walked into the kitchen where my dad sat at the table.

"Morning." he said. I ignored him, I was still angry from last week.

"Tessa you're going to have to talk to me at some point." he said. I ignored him again.

"Listen Sarah's party is tonight, I still want you here after detention." he said.

"Yeah I get it." I snapped. I grabbed a nutrition bar and walked out the door. I got to school and went to my locker, and grabbed my books for the day. Someone turned me around, by my waste.

"Hey." Luke said.

"Hi." I smiled. He kissed me.

"You're still coming tonight, right?" I said.

"Yeah, I'll be there at five." he said.

"Perfect." I said.

"I'll see you then." he kissed me again. He walked away. I turned to walk go to homeroom and a couple of feet away I could see Beth standing there with her jaw hanging open. I froze as she was looking straight at me. I got nervous and turned and walked in the opposite direction.

"Tessa" she called after me, but I kept walking. She finally caught up to me. "What was that?!" She said.

"What?" I acted stupid.

"You kissing Luke, and actually enjoying it." she said. I let out sigh.

"Okay I was going to tell you at the party-" she didn't let me finish.

"You and Luke are dating!" she yelled.

"Shh yes but I don't want the whole school knowing." I said.

"Who else knows?" she said in a peppy voice.

"Michael, Calum, Ashton." I said.

"So basically every guy that's in their band." she said.

"Yeah, but please keep you trap shut." I said.

"I'm amazing at keeping secrets." she said, in a duh face.

"Oh and don't tell me parents...and definitely not Sarah." I said. We began walking to homeroom.

"My lips are sealed." she said. We got to homeroom and talked about me and Luke which got boring after a while, so I tried to change the subject over and over again,but Beth kept bring it up. The bell finally rang. I walked to chemistry, and sat next to Michael.

"Hey how's everything." he had a smirk on his face.

"Say anything and I will murder you." I said, not even looking at him.

"Fine, I'll shut up now." he turned to face the front of the room. About a minute later he turned towards me.

"We all saw it coming...I warned you." he said. I stomped on his foot, under the desk.

"You are my friend and Luke's friend, we are not talking about my love life ...okay?"

"Yeah." he smiled at me. I sat there thinking about lunch mostly, but also how I didn't want to go to Sarah's party tonight, but luckily my parents wouldn't be there and I know for a fact there will be drinking. The bell rang and I walked to my locker to get the books I needed for my next class. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I smiled and spun around thinking it was Luke. I disappointed.

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