Chapter Twenty-Eight: I felt Like My Stomach was Having a Rave Party

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A/N: Hey guys I would like to dedicate this chapter @oversizedhemmings she made this wonderful cover. Thank you so!

I woke up the next morning and I felt like I was going to puke. I sat there for a few minutes, thinking it would pass. I then felt something coming up, and I ran to the bathroom and opened the toilet and through up. It smelt disgusting , making me want to through up again. I stood up and I looked in the mirror. My eyes were blood shot and I had huge bags under my eyes. I went into the kitchen to get a class of water.

"Morning." my dad said. I didn't answer and just got a cup over water and and sat at the table. "You don't look so good, honey." he said. He put his hand on my forehead, to see if I was warm.

"You're burning up, just go back to bed and I'll call the school on my way to work." He said. I listened to him and walked back to my room. I laid in bed trying, to keep down whatever food I had left in my stomach. My phone went off, telling me I got a text. It was from Luke.

Luke: I'm not coming to school today...don't miss me too much ;)

Me: I'm not going either, and why aren't you going?

Luke: I am throwing up every ounce of food in my stomach.


Luke: Wait what how is you not going to school my fault?

Me: Bc I'm throwing up too.

Luke: do you know you didn't get me sick.

Me: I just like blaming you for everything

Luke: Nice... I got to go through up now :*

Me: Bye.

I laid in bed just watching TV and going back and forth to the bathroom, and puking. I felt like my stomach was having a rave party. I was about to fall asleep, when the door bell rang. Who ever was at the door better have a good reason for keeping from sleeping. I slowly got out of bed and went down to the front door. I opened it, and Luke stood there with a smile on his sick face. I just gave him a look and walked back up the stairs. He followed behind me.

"I'm not talking to you." I moaned, got back into bed and pulled the covers over my head. He got into the bed with me.

"You don't have any proof that this my fault." he said. He the pulled the covers over his head as well.

"I am not be confined in a small space with your sick ass." I said, I popped me head out and so did he. I just let a groan. I looked over at Luke and he was trying so hard to contain his laughter.

"I'm glad you find this hilarious." I said sarcastically. I then felt something coming up. I ran to the bathroom and puked up. All I could here was Luke in the other room, laughing hysterically.

"I hate you!" I shouted to him, as I rinsed the taste of vomit out of my mouth. I came back into the room, and he had a smile on his face.

"You honestly look like shit." I said, while getting back into bed.

"Well I think you look amazing." he said, trying to make up for the fact that he laughed at me puking my brains up. I just gave him an evil look. We just sat there watching Animal Planet and either me or him puking. This is what my relationships look like, everyone. I slowly was drifting to sleep. I put my head on sleeping Luke's shoulder and was asleep in seconds.


I woke up about two hours later and Luke was no longer sleeping next to me. I got up and walked into the bathroom, and Luke was passed out on the floor. I kicked him to try and wake him up. He just let out a moan. I got on the ground and sat next to him. He put his head on my lap.

"Why are you on the floor of my bathroom sleeping?" I asked him.

"I was throwing up then I got tired and so I went to sleep." He said.

"Well get off the floor." I got up and pulled him up by the arm and he got up and laid back onto my bed. I laid next to him.

"I think I'm slowly dying." he said. He kept his eyes closed and just tried to hide that he was in pain. I had my arm around him and I put my head on his shoulder.

"At least you have the pleasure dying with me." I said. He just snorted at what I said. I wasn't really good at trying to make people feel better, especially people I'm close with.

For the rest of the day we just were miserable together. We watched four movie and didn't even look at food. It was now 6:00 and we were watching teenage mutant ninja turtles on TV. I then heard the front door open.

"Tessa how are you feeling?" Maria said from in the living room. Luke sat up quickly.

"Don't worry she's cool." I said. I got out of bed, and walked into the living room.

"I feel like I just punched in the stomach by a professional boxer." I said.

"Oh well that sucks." she gave me a sympathetic look.

"Okay listen um, a friend stopped by this morning and she or he is still here." I said.

"Okay?" she said. I walked back into my room and told Luke that the he could come and finally get something to eat. He came out and Maria was sitting at the table.

"Maria this is Luke...and don't worry he doesn't always look this shitty." I said.

"Nice to meet you." Luke said, trying to Luke like he was slightly happy to see people.

"Oh well nice to finally meet you." she held her hand out for him to shake.

"I wouldn't shake his hand if I was you, he's as sick as me." I said. She pulled her hand back. I handed Luke a bottle of water.

"I think I should go Tessie." he said to me.

"Okay I'll talk to you later then." I said.

"It was nice meeting you Mrs. O'Connell." Luke said

"Likewise." she said. Luke walked out the door, leaving me and Maria alone.

"So Tessie?" she giggled.

"I don't want to even go there." I said.


A/N: Hey guys I know just wanted to thank you so much for 6k reads! You guys have motivated me to do so much more with this fanfic and I never expected it to come this far so quickly. Once again thank you so much. I love you guysss


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