Chapter Fifty Two: Because you're the Only Girl that Didn't want Me

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A/N: Yeah I know I've updated twice in one day. I was  extremely bored since I had no school so yeah enjoy ;)

 I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. I only wore my undergarments . I couldn't recall a thing from last night besides Luke taking my home. I felt something draped over my waste. I looked to see it was someone's arm. I looked to see who it was. I was shocked when I saw sleeping shirtless Luke laying next to me. I freaked out and and went falling off the bed bringing the blanket with me. I let out a grunt when I hit the floor. Luke sat up and looked down a me.

"No no no. We didn't. We couldn't have. Tell me we didn't." I begged. He just looked up at the ceiling. I just sat on the ground completely in shock. I placed the blanket over my head.

"This can not be happening to me." I curled up into a ball. I then heard a little giggle slip out of Luke's mouth. I removed the blanket and sat up.

"You find this funny don't you. At least you had fun." I said.

"I'm almost positive you had a better time then I did." he gave me smirk. I got up from the floor, sat up on my bed and hit him hard in the shoulder.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why didn't you stop me?" I said.

"Um because I didn't want to stop you?" he said unsure if that was the best thing to say. I laid back down and screamed into my pillow.

"Why me? Why couldn't you just fall in love with someone else?" I sat up and asked him.

"Like I've said before. Because you're the only girl that didn't want me." he said.

"Now what?" I said. he shrugged and looked at me.

"How about you go get some cloths on." he laughed. I looked down at myself and blushed

"Close your eyes." I said.

"Oh come on I've seen you without the few cloths you're wearing now." I gave him a dirty glare and realized he was right. I got up off the bed and walked over to my dresser.

"If you don't stop looking at my ass I will punch you in the face." I said, not even having to turn around to know he was staring at me. I pulled on shorts and a tank top. I walked back to my bed, and sat next to Luke.

"What now?'' Luke asked me.

"I don't know." I said.

''Tessie listen I never wanted to kiss Sarah. I never wanted to hurt you. I most definitely didn't want to loose you. Last night was the best night of my life because I got to be with you again. I'm not saying we should get back together I'm just saying that I just want your forgiveness.'' It took my a second to process.The best night of his life? I didn't realize until now that, I made Luke as happy as he made me. I looked at him as he bit his lip ring. I remember when he always would look at me and bit his lip and it sent chills down my spine.

"Your welcome." he said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For sending chills down your spine." he laughed. I couldn't help but laugh with him.

"The only way I can forgive you is if we start over. We rewind and pretend we just met." I said.

"Okay...Hi I'm Luke Hemmings." he said.

"Hello Luke Hemmings. I'm Tessa O'Connell." I giggled a little.

"I think I'll call you Tessie." he said. I knew me and Luke weren't completely good. I knew it would take time to fully trust him again, but I knew I wanted to be with him.

"Well we have to go on our first date. Don't we?" he said.

"I guess we do.''

"Get dressed then cause we are going now." he said.

"Fine but please this time can we keep our cloths on." I said.

"I can't make any promises." he winked at me. He got his jeans back on and then his shirt.

"Okay go out into living room while I get ready." I said. He nodded. He left the room, and I changed into, a All Time Low shirt with the sleeves cut off. I wore a ban doe under and ripped black jeans. I then put on red and white high-top converse and then went into my bathroom. I straighten my hair and then went into the living room. Luke sat on the coach. I went and sat next to him.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"I can't tell you." he said. With that I heard a door open and I couldn't breathe.

"Hide." I said to Luke. He got up and ran down the stairs and into the basement.

''Tessa who are you talking to?" Sarah came down the hall. Why the hell was she here?

"No one. Welp I'm going out." I got up from the coach. I stopped when she said something else.

"Did you see Luke at that party last night?" she asked me.

"Um, yeah. I didn't really talk to him."

"Oh well okay." I ran down the stairs into the basement. I grabbed Luke and we left the house. We went and grabbed Luke's car from Michael's and then left. We drove for a few minutes and then we Luke parked the car. I knew where we were now. I got out of the car and immediatly took off my shoes. I put my feet on the sand. I better not have to get in that water, I thought to myself. Wow I'm going on a date with Luke Hemmings...again. Was I crazy? Yes. Was I going to change my mind? Fuck No.


Yay! Luke and Tessa might be a thing now! I couldn't wait to post this chapter and I can't wait for the ones ahead. Luv ya guys!!!!


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