Chapter Thirty-Three: Tattoo Tessie is Extremely Hot

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I hit snooze and got out of bed. I went into my bathroom and straightened my hair. I then I got the black from under eyes from the mascara I wore the day before. I walked back into my room and went into my closet. I decided to wear a blue crop-top with black high-wasted pants. I heard my phone go off. I checked to see who had texted me. It was Luke.

Luke: I'm driving you to school today.

Me: Okay? what's the occasion?

Luke: There is no occasion. Just casually taking my gf to school...I'll be there in fifteen min.

Me: K

I finished putting on my make-up and then sat put on my white vans, and went into the kitchen to get something to eat before Luke came and picked me up. Sarah, and my dad sat at the table.

"Hey" I said to my dad.

"Hey Pal." he said. My dad had always called me "Pal" ever since I was a little girl. Sarah snorted at his words.

"What?" I said to her.

"It's just I never knew he called you pal." she tried to contain her laughter. I just rolled my eyes at her. I then heard a horn of a car beep.

"That's Luke got to go." I said to my dad. I grabbed my bag and ran out the front door. I got into the passenger side.

"Hey." I said. I put my bag by my feet. I looked at Luke and he had a big smile on his face.

"What?" I giggled.

"I just don't know how I got so lucky." he said. I blushed at his words. He pulled out of my driveway. After only five minutes of driving we ended up at school. We both got out of the car, and walked into the school. He decided to come to my locker before he went to his. I began to unpack my bag.

"So what is the real reason you came and picked me up?" I asked him, not even looking at him.

"I just wanted to get an early start to see you." he said, with a big smirk on his face.

"Okay whatever you say." I said sarcastically. "Oh and can I ask you something?" I said.


"I was wondering of you wanted to come with me to my aunts wedding" I asked him.

"Under one condition." he said. I rolled my eyes. "You have to wear the hottest dress in history." he said.

"I already have my dress picked out." I said.

"Okay then yes I will come with you." he said. "I have to go, but I'll see you second period." he said.

"Okay." he then walked off. I finished at my locker and started walking towards homeroom. I went around the corner and someone hit my straight on and I fell to the ground. I looked up to see who slammed into me. I didn't recognize him

"Oh my god I'm so sorry." he said. I picked up my books and he held his arm out to help me up. I took it.

"It's okay." I said.

"Zachary, but people call me Zach."

"Tessa, and people call me Tessa." he giggled.

"Listen I'm really sorry I slammed into you." he said. He was quite nice. He had brunette hair and hazel eyes. He was probably a little shorter than Luke.

"Well I should really get to class." I said.

"Yeah me too." he said. I then kept walking. I could tell he still stood there looking at me as I walked to class. I eventually got there without being late. I sat next to Beth.

"What happened to you?" she began to fix my hair.

"Oh nothing I just bumped into some guy and I fell." I said.

"Oh well was he at least a hot guy?" she asked

"Um on a scale from one to ten...he would be a eight." I said. She just had a smirk on her face. I didn't listen as the teacher explained how there was a twenty mile run for charity, but once she said the word "run" I zoned out until the bell rang. I walked with Beth Chemistry. Michael wasn't in class for some reason.

"Hey do you know why Michael isn't here today?" Beth asked me. I shook me head. We sat in our normal seats. Most classes I just spent most of my time looking at the clock, or playing on my phone. The teacher would occasionally call on me and most of the time I had no clue what she was talking about. Eventually the bell rang and I went to algebra. I saw Luke sitting at his desk.

"Hey." I said, sitting next to him.

"So what kind of dress?" he immediately

"It's blue." I said. He sat there with a look on his face like he expected me to say something else.

"And?" he said.

"And what? It's a blue mid-thigh dress." I said.

"Never mind." he giggled. He sat back in his chair.

"Whoa." his eyes were wide and were staring at my back.

"What, is there something on my back?" I said nervously.

"No just um...ah..." he kept staring at my back.

"Luke spit it out." I said.

"You never told me you had a tattoo." he finally said

"Oh yeah." It was a black and white arrow on the back of right shoulder. "Why are you so surprised?" I asked

"Just didn't expect you to be the person with a tattoo." he said.

"I have two Luke." I said. His jaw then dropped, I closed it and faced the front of the room.

In the middle of class Luke leaned over to me.

"Where is it?" he whispered.

"What my tattoo?" I whispered back.

"Yeah." he said.

"On my right said, by my hip." I pointed to where it is, but kept my shirt over it.

"Tattoo Tessie is extremely hot." he said. I just kept looking at the front, but with the biggest smile on my face.


Luke drove me home that afternoon, and of course I asked him come inside with me.

"So are you going to show it to me." he said as we walked into the front door.

"Maybe." I said, teasing him. He let out a sigh. We went into the kitchen and Sarah was there, but I completely ignored her.

"Show him what?" she said. She always had to poke her nose in everything.

"My tattoo." I said.

"You have a tattoo...that's hard to believe." she said.

"I have two actually, and Luke saw my first one today, and he wants to see my other one." I said.

"Well now I have to see." she said. I let out a sigh and pulled down my shirt so could see the tattoo on my back, that Luke had previously seen.

"Well now you have to show us your second one." she said. It felt like she really cared or something.

"I'd rather not." I said.

"Why is it on your ass or something?" Sarah said.

"No I just don't show people my tattoos." I said.

"Please Tessie I won't survive in life without seeing it." Luke begged.

"Ugh fine." I said. I lifted my shirt so that my right side, right above my hip was exposed, revealing my tattoo. It was a black and white dove. They both looked.

"What do they mean." I put down my shirt.

"Well the arrow doesn't really mean anything, but my mom always talked about how when she died she wanted to be reincarnated as a dove, so I got a dove." I said.

"You should see Michael and Calum's tattoo's they have more than you though." Luke said

"Well me and Luke are going to go in my room." I said to Sarah. She nodded and we disapeared into my room.

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