Chapter Thirty-Two: I Look like a Fruit

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I woke up Sunday to the sound of my phone going off, letting me know I had just gotten a text message. I squinted to the light of my phone and tried to read who is was from. It was from Beth.

Beth: Hey do u want to go the mall today?

Me: Yeah sure I'll be ready in like an hour or so.

Beth: Okay I'll see you in few.

I didn't text back after that and got out of bed. I looked at the clock and realized that it was really 1:00 pm and I slept for a good twelve hours. I got into the shower, the warm water woke me right up. When I got up I wrapped myself in a robe and put my eye makeup on, I also added red lipstick with it.. I then went into my closet to see if I had anything to wear. I finally picked a black shit with lace at the end of the sleeves and at the bottom of the shirt. I also picked plain jeans to go with it. For jewelry I wore heart eating, and a panic at the disco bracelet. When I was finished I heard the door bell ring. I went down and answered it.

"Hey." I said to Beth

"Ready to go?" she asked me.

"Yeah I just have to tell my dad I'm leaving." I said. I went back up the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Where are you heading?" he asked me

"I'm going to the mall with Beth." I told him.

"Okay." but before I left he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a credit card.

"Here." he said. I was shocked when he handed it to me.

"Why are giving this to me?" I asked him.

"You said you were going shopping, so you need money don't you?" he said with a smile on his face. I hugged him.

"Thanks dad, I'll see you later." I said, walking out with Beth. Her green Jeep sat in my drive way. Beth would rather take a bullet than get a scratch on her car. She even named it, Sadie. I got into the passenger side and we pulled out. We sung to Classic by MKTO on the top of our lungs. When the song was over I held up my dad's credit card. Her eyes lit up.

"Your dad actually gave you his credit card?!" she said.

"Yup and I plan to use it." I said. She just laughed. We sat in silence while,and I played on my phone.

"So how are you and Luke?" she gave me smirk.

"Good? Why do you ask?" I gave her a confused look.

"Just wondering." she said.

"Beth you don't just wonder about something, there has to be a reason or something more to the question." I said to her. She tried to conceal her smile.

"Okay fine what I was really trying to ask is if you know...did it." she said. My jaw dropped, I was in complete shock.

"Beth I've been dating the guy for only a month, of course we haven't done it!" I said.

"I was juts making sure." she giggled. I just rolled my eyes and laughed slightly. We finally got to the mall and parked the car. We went inside, and just walked for a minute.

"Where do you want to go, with that credit card of yours?" Beth asked.

" about Stella's because I have to get a dress for my aunt's wedding and also they have a sale on almost everything in the store." I said. She nodded. We walked to the elevator becasue Stell'as was on the second floor, then we had to walk five stores down. Stella's was filled with regular clothes in half the tore and then dresses in the other half. We walked in and a women greeted us.

"Okay so I'll help you find a dress and then we look at what shirts and jeans are on sale" Beth said. We walked to the half of the store where the dresses were. I still didn't like the fact that I had to wear a dress, I would much rather wear, pants but I would make an exception for my aunts wedding. I looked through the dresses. I had only grabbed one when Beth pulled me by the arm to the dressing room.

"Here." she handed my six, multi-colored dresses. I was going to protest, but she had already pushed me into the dressing room, and I was forced to try them on. I slipped on the first dress, it was strapless and a peach colour that was mid-thigh, it also had sequence across the top. I stepped out of the dressing room and Beth sat on a couch and examined me.

"I look like like an fruit." I complained.

"It's just...not you." she said, I nodded and then went back in the dressing room. I tried on the next dress, it was an ugly lime green and went down to the floor. I came out.

"I'm going to wedding, not prom." I said. She gave me look to go back in and try another dress on. I did the same thing for every dress. I came out, complained about how I looked, went back in and try another one on.

Finally I got to the one dress I had picked out. It was a navy blue and and went up and around my neck. It fit my nicely and it didn't have all that sequence shit so that was good. I opened the door to the dressing room, Beth's face lit up when she saw me.

"You look hot."she said.

"You really think so?" I said, looking in the mirror.

"That's definately the dress." she said.

"Okay I guess I'm getting this dress."


We had finished our shopping for the day and I had bags and bags of clothes now and Beth dropped me off at my house, and I put my clothes in my room. I was starving so I went into the kitchen to get something to eat. I walked into the kitchen and I saw a sight I was not happy to see. Trevor was sitting with Sarah at the table. I ignored then and went into the fridge.

"Oh hey Tessa how was your shopping day with Beth." Sarah said. I could tell she just wanted to rub her relationship with Trevor in my face. I turned and I had a fake smile on my face.

"Good." I said then turned back around to look into the fridge again. I didn't see anything I wanted so I went over to the table and grabbed an apple out of the bowl in the center.

"Hi Tessa." Trevor said awkwardly.

"Hi." I said. I went to leave the room but Sarah said something else.

"Oh Luke stopped by I told him you were hanging out with Calum, I didn't find out until a half our ago." she said, with a smirk on her face.

"Okay one, is telling Luke that I was hanging out with Calum supposed to effect me? Also having Trevor here isn't a big deal so have fun, make out on the couch for all I care, just leave me the fuck alone." I finally said. It felt good to finally say that to here. I stood there for a minute to hear her response. She said nothing though, she just gave me dirty look. I turned around and went back into my room. When I was in my room, I did a small victory dance. That was the best part about today.

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