Chapter Twenty-Nine: You Still Look Hot In Sweat Pants.

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I spent the last three days out of school, the same for Luke. He called once in a while to say how he hated me for getting him sick, and then I would protest that he got me sick. It went on like that for about a half hour and then he would just give up. Today was Friday and me and Luke were both going to try and not throw up and get to school.

I took a shower because I hadn't in the past three days. I didn't bother drying it so I just let it air dry. I wore looses sweat pants and a shirt. I wore socks with slides on. Here and there I felt as if I was going to throw up, but then it pasted seconds later. I went down stairs and tried to eat something, but the sight of food just disgusted me. I skipped breakfast and then started to walk to school. I shuffled to my locker and I started to get out my books. Luke stumbled towards me.

"Morning the amazing Tessie." he said.

"You still look like shit." I said.

"I could say the same for you, but I have to say you still look hot in sweat pants." he gave me a smirk. He had bags under his eyes and was just wearing a white T-shirt and black jeans that were ripped at the knees.

"You don't just pause the flirting, even when I'm dating you." I said.

"Nope." he said. Michael walked up to the two of us.

"There are you the two sick, lovebirds." he said. Me and Luke both gave him the same look, telling him that we would seriously hurt him. Beth walked up seconds after Michael.

"Oh there they are." she said. She placed her elbow on Michael's shoulder.

"Well if you don't mind I'm going to class and try not puke." I said. I grabbed Beth's arm and we walked to homeroom.

"So , I didn't hear from you for the past few days..." she stopped and just starred at something.

"What are you looking at?" I tried to see what was so amazing that Beth was starring at.

"Who's that?" she just pointed at a boy who looked strangely familiar. I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the curly haired boy. I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned towards us and Beth practically fainted.

"Oh hey Tessa." he said. Beth just looked at me in shock that I knew him.

"Hey Ashton, what are you doing here?" I asked him. Beth had still not said a word and was still staring at him.

"Um I had to talk to Luke since he hasn't been answering me calls I figured I'd come here." he said.

"Oh okay, this is Beth by the way." I said to him.

"Hi nice to meet you Beth." he said. She snapped out of it when he said her name.

"Um nice to see you too...I mean meet you." she said.

"Well I better go." he said.

"Okay bye." I said, and he walked off.

"Oh. My. God. He is probably the hottest person alive...besides me lovely boyfriend." she said.

"He is also your lovely boyfriend's band mate." I said.

"Oh my god there band is just a group of the hottest guys in school, I mean come on look at them all." she said. I just rolled my eyes and giggled.

"It's true though." she said. We continued to walk to homeroom and sat in our seats.

"So how do I get invited to one of these band practices?" she asked me.

"Um I don't know you just do." I said. When Beth saw a hot guy she obsessed over him for about four days and then moved on.

"I could take you if you want." I said. She just looked at me with the biggest smile on her face.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you." she hugged me.

"Beth remember I'm still at risk at vomiting all over you." I said. She instantly let go, and she had a disgusted look on her face. The bell rang and I walked to Chemistry, with Beth. She sat next to Michael. and I sat in front of them.

"So Michael when is your next band practice." I asked him.

"Um tomorrow why?" he said

"Oh Luke just said that I could come if I wanted to, but I said I didn't want to be the only girl there, I just wanted to prepare myself for the nagging tomorrow" I turned around, letting things play itself out.

"Well you can come too if you want to, Beth" Michael said

"Really?" She said

"Yeah, why not?" he said. I had a smile of accomplishment. I could tell Beth was static. I kept staring at the clock most of the class, but at some point during the class I must have had my hand up and the teacher called on me.

"Tessa." she said.

"Yes?" I said.

"Did you here the question?" she said. Ms. Phelps hated having me in her class, and I could tell when I was getting on her nerves.

"Yes?" I said.

"Okay moving on." she said, she then pointed to Janie Smith, one of the few students she liked. Of course she answered the question correctly. I got through the rest of the period, not really paying attention. I honestly got through the whole day doing exactly that.
The eleventh period bell rang and a walked to my locker. Luke beat me there.

"Hey." I said.


"What are you doing tomorrow?" I asked him, even though I already knew the answer.

"Um I have band practice, why?" He said.

"Because me and Beth are going." I said to him.

"Okay, why did you ask me what I was doing i f you already knew?" he asked.

"Because I had to find a way to tell you I was going with you." I said. I finished packing my books up and closed my locker.

"You can come under one condition." He said.

"Ugh what?" I complained.

"I get to come over your place now." he said.

"Okay deal." Me and him walked back to my place. I walked in and my parents sat on the couch.

"Hello Luke." Maria said.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. O'Connell." he said. I found it cute how he was always trying to impress my parents when I didn't care if they liked him or not.

"Um well we are going to in my room, and study." I said.

"Before you do that Tessa I would love to get to know Luke." my dad said.

"Okay?" I said. Me and Luke walked over there and sat on the opposite couch.

"So Luke..." My dad started to talk. I could tell this was going to be conversation that I didn't want to have.

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