Chapter Nine: Because He is Luke Hemmings, it's Simple as That.

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We pulled up to my driveway and Luke walked me up to my front door.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow." he said itching the back of his neck.

"Luke Hemmings are you nervous?" I giggled.

"Psh no." he said biting his lip. I loved it when he did that.

"What did you say?" he said with a smirk.

"What? I didn't say anything." I said nervously

"You said you loved it when I bite my lip." he said giggling

"I was thinking out loud." I said, I placed my hand on my face, and looked down at the ground.

"So you think about me is what you're telling me?"

"" I said. He laughed.

"Night Luke." said opening the front door.

"It doesn't have to be night yet." he winked at me.

"Oh please." I said rolling my eyes

"Worth a shot."

"Bye." I said shutting the door. I walked up to my room.

"So how was it?" I jumped and turned on the lights.

"Beth what the hell are still doing here?"

"I wanted to see how it went." she laughed

"There is always tomorrow."

"I couldn't wait, and what happened to you."

"Long story."

"Oh and if you don't care I kind of told my parents that I was staying here for the night."

"You're a pain, you know that right?"

"Yeah but you love me anyway." She smiled. I didn't stay up for much longer because I was tired from tonight.


The next morning I woke up Beth and we got ready for school together. She looking at me strangely and I didn't know why.

"So why were you soaked when you came home last night?" she asked

"Well Luke took me to a park and there was a lake and we went swimming."

"Oh please tell me you were wearing closes."


"Just making sure."

"Yeah but I didn't have awful time, but I told you before there is never going to be anything between us."

"And why is that?"

"Because he is Luke Hemmings, it's as simple as that."

"Well when you get over this thing of not loving him and have children one day, I call being there god mother."

"You're ridiculous...come on we're going to be late." I rolled my eyes

"Alright Mrs. Hemmings." she said walking in front of me. We walked into the school and surprisingly Luke wasn't at my locker. I was happy because the whole thing with me thinking out loud was pretty embarrassing. I walked to homeroom, where Beth sat with a huge smile on her face.

"What have you done or what do you want form me?" I asked her.

"Nothing I'm just really happy."


"Only because Michael asked me out!"

"Beth that's great!" I said. I sat down, but I guess I was so late that the bell rang once I sat down and I walked to gym, and got changed. Calum walked up to me right as I walked out of the locker room.

"So how was last night?"

"What are you talking about?" I said nervously

"Don't pretend like you and Luke didn't go out, he obviously told us, he's our best friend."


"Yup me, Michael, and Ashton." he said.

"Oh god, it was a one time thing." I said covering my face with my hand.

"You know that's not true because once Luke has you in his sites, he get what he wants, and what he wants is you."

"You're this close to getting punched in the face."

"I'm just telling you the facts." he said. Luke walked over towards us.

"I'll catch up two later." Calum said.

"Yeah you too." I said grinding my teeth together.

"Hey said."

"Hi" I said trying not to make total eye contact with him.

"What's up?" He said with a smirk.

"Alright I need to say this now... Last night was a one time thing."

"Whatever you say Tessie." He laughed

"I'm serious I only said yes because you gave me no other option."

"Yeah but it topped your date with Michael and you went with him willingly so that means something."

"Ugh I should have just no." I mumbled under my breath.

"You won't be saying that for long." he said, walking away.

"Asshole." I mumbled under my voice, again

"I heard that." he said

"Good!" I yelled back. I realized then and there that Luke Hemmings wasn't going to leave me alone. What was I going to do? I got through gym only thinking of what I had gotten myself into. The bell rang and I walked to my next class,that I had with Sarah. I walked past her desk. She stuck her foot in my path and I tripped, dropping all my books.

"Oops." she said laughing with her friends. I ignored them, I started to pick up my books. Somebody knelt next to me. It was Luke.

"You don't have to help her Luke she's got it." Sarah snapped

"What's your problem?" Luke asked her

"Nothing." she smiled trying to hold back her anger.

"You're just upset that I would rather hang out with Tessa than you." he snapped

"Luke that's enough" I said, waling towards my seat. He sat next to me.

"Why do you always have to sit next to me?"

"I don't know." he said biting his lip.

"Don't do that." I said

"Do what Tessie?" he said sarcastically, and bit his lip ring side of his lip this time.

"That... bite your lip."

"I thought you loved it when I did this."

"I didn't mean to say that."

"Yeah but you did so I'm going got use that to my advantage."

"Is this some kind of game now?"

"Kind of." he said laughing. His laugh was cute. Oh god what am I thinking I can't honestly like him. He's Luke Hemmings.

"Fine game on." I said


Hey guys I haven't done a authors note yet so I just wanted to say hi, and thanks so much for ready. What do you think is going to happen between Tessa and Luke? Will they fall in love? Who knows? you'll just have to keep redaing to see.

I hope you guys are enjoying don't foget to vote and comment how you're feeling about the chapter or thw whole book itself. Bye lovesssss .

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