Chapter Thirty-One: Yeah but I don't Mentally Undress Luke

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I woke up on Saturday and stumbled my way to the kitchen. My mouth tasted like the dinner I had the night before. My dad sat at the table drinking his morning coffee. I was still a little annoyed that he had interrogated my boyfriend.

"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go dirt biking with Rick and his son tomorrow?" he asked me.

"Um no thanks." I said, putting toast in the the toaster.

"Come on Pal-" I interrupted him.

"Don't Pal me." I said, I spun around to face him. ''I can't believe you went all cop on Luke, knowing I was going out with him." I snapped.

"I just wanted to make sure he was a good kid." he said.

"No, you were trying to see if you liked him and then when you found something wrong with him you would ask me to stop seeing him." I said firmly.

"I just want you to be happy." he said.

"Dad I promise I'm happy...he makes me happy." I said, calmly.

"Okay then I'll try and not go into cop mode." he said.

"Thank you." as I said  and with that my toast popped up and I put Nutella on it. I kissed my dad on the head and walked back into my room. I sat on my bed and turned on the TV. I watched E news to see what bullshit they were saying about some actor or actress these days, but I soon became bored. I looked at my phone and saw I had a missed Facetime call from Beth. I decided to call her back, and on the first ring she picked up.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to wear to these stupid band practices." she said.

"Just wear whatever you want." I giggled over how much she was worrying about this.

"What are you wearing?" she asked me. I got up and went into my closet and pulled out an outfit and brought it to where she could see it.

"I'm wearing this white sweater, these yellow pants and this black hat." I held them up as I said the. She let out a sigh.

"Okay I think I'm just freaking out for no reason." She said, more calmly now. I nodded.

"Oh and Beth the practice doesn't start until three, and it's noon now, so why are freaking out now?" I asked her.

"Because I'm strange, I can't control it." She said.

"Obviously." I laughed.

"I'm going to get ready and the come by your place." she said.

"Okay, see you then." I said, then hung up. I got into the shower so I didn't look like total shit when Beth got here, I mean I didn't really care how I looked when I around just her but you know I had nothing better to do. About a half hour after I ended the Facetime call with Beth the door bell rang. I went down to answer it, my hair was still wet and unbrushed. I opened the door and Beth stood there. She was wearing black jeans, with a red top and her usual leather jacket over it.

"Hey come on in." I said. We went up to my room and when I opened the door Michael was sitting on my bed.

"Hey Michael." I said, it wasn't new to me that Michael suck in through the sliding glass door but it was new to Beth.

"Michael what are you doing here?" she said.

"Oh hey Beth... just paying Tessa a visit." he said.

"Oh and Michael I would prefer some notice before you come over." I said.

"Wait how did you not know he was here?" Beth asked me.

"Oh he climbs up the balcony." I answered.

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