Chapter Twenty-Four: I'm as Twisted as You

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It was around nine at night now, and Luke was still here.

"I should really go." He said.

"Or you could stay here one more night." I said, sliding towards him.

"What's in it for me?" he said, with a smirk on his face.

"Well you get to cook breakfast for me in the morning and that might impress my dad." I said.

"Um but he might wonder, why I'm in his house and also want to know where I slept." he said.

"Please." I said, with a big smile on my face. I pecked him on the lips.

"Okay fine but I would have to leave before your dad uses his gun on me." He said.

"Deal." I said. I went into my drawer to find pajamas, and I changed in the bathroom. I came out and Luke was out on the balcony talking on his phone. I sat down on my bed and checked my phone, while I waited for him finish talking to whoever he was talking to. Eventually he came back in and sat next to me.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked him

"Oh it was just my mom, I was telling her that I was staying at Michael's for the night."

"Aw your mommy is worried about you." I said, like I was talking to a baby.

"Ha ha very funny." He said. We sat there, as we just played on our phones for a few minutes. "Wow." Luke said

"What?" I said.

"I remember once that Michael said that he wants to date a girl that he just sit around doing nothing and still have fun." he explained

"Okay and this effects me and you because." I questioned

"I always thought it was lame but right now I am just sitting around doing nothing and still having the best time." he said. I just smiled.

"Well I am still bored, so we need to find something to do." I said.

"Well what do you want to do then." he asked. I thought for a second and then it came to me. I went into my closet and grabbed my guitar. I came back and handed it to Luke.

"Play a song." I said.

"Okay I guess, but won't you still be doing nothing?" He said

"Yeah, but you'll be keeping me entertained." I said.

"I could think of a few others ways I could keep you entertained." He winked at me. I just rolled my eyes.

"Just play the guitar you stupid, idiot." I said to him.

"What should I play?" he asked

"Play one of your band's songs" I said. He thought for a second and then it popped into his head. He began to play. He didn't sing but he didn't have to. It was a great song. Then he finished.

"What song was that called?" I asked him

"Voodoo Doll." he said. He then handed me the guitar.

"Now it's your turn." he said to me.

"I told you this before I don't really play in front of people." I told him.

"Come on...please." he said. I let out a sigh.

"Fine but what am I going to play?" I said

"Whatever you want." he said. I began to play the guitar part of I Miss You by Blink-182. When I was finished Luke just stared at me with a smile on his face.

"That was perfect." he said.

"Yeah whatever." I said. I let out a yawn. I was extremely tired, and I just wanted to go to bed.

"Okay." he said

"What?" I said.

"You said you wanted to go to bed, and I said okay...what's with the confused face?" he said. I just flopped back, so that I was now facing the ceiling.

"Am I missing something here?" He asked

"Nothing I just always seem to think out loud." I said

"So?" he said

"Most of the time I end up making a fool of myself." I said. He laid down next to me. We both just stared at the ceiling, in silence. Then finally he said something.

"I like when you think out loud." he said.

"Yeah because most of the time, I say something about you." I said, not making eye contact with him.

"Exactly." he said. He sat up and blocked my view of the ceiling.

"I still don't get it." I said

"You don't get what?" he asked, still hovering over me.

"I don't get that every time I do something completely embarrassing you seem to turn it around, and for some crazy reason it turns you on." I said.

"I'm just as twisted as you." he said. He then leaned down and kissed me.

"I need to learn how to read your mind, I would find out so much about you." I giggled

"When you can do that, you're gonna see some weird shit in my brain." He said.

"Yeah I figured, with your personality." I said. He laid back down next me and I put my head on his shoulder.

"What do you think Sarah is going to say when she sees me in your house for the second night in a row?" he said

"I don't care anymore, for once she feels like shit, and I'm the happy one." I said

"Want to know what would make this way better?" he said

"What?" I said

"Nutella." he said.

" should go get some from the kitchen." I said

"I'm not the one who lives here." he said

"And I'm not the one that brought it up." I responded

"Rock, Paper, Scissors?" he asked

"Okay." we both held out a hand.

Rock, Paper Scissors say shoot. I held out my hand scissors and he had rock.

"Damn." I said.

"I'll see you when you get back." he said with a big smirk on his face. I got out of the bed and went into  the kitchen. I grabbed the Nutella from the pantry and the two spoons. I turned to go back into my room, but I saw an unpleasant sight.

"Hello Tessa." She said

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