Chapter Forty One: Oh so This Is the Girl you Talk about in your Sleep

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The week had gone by pretty fast. I was able to go out to get something to eat with Calum, and to talk to Michael, but I couldn't seem to hang out with Luke. I sat in bed Saturday morning just playing on my phone. I then got a text from Luke.

Luke: Hey what are you doing today?

Me: Nothing really. Why?

Luke: Wanted to see if we could get together at my place?

Me: Yeah sure I'll be there in an hour.

Luke: K see u there Tessie ;)

I got up out of bed and into my bathroom. I turned on my shower and grabed a towel. The warm water hit my face. I got out about fifteen minutes later, and went into my closet. I picked out a black t-shirt and light blue ripped jeans. I tucked in the black shirt. I put on Beth's bracelet and and a long owl necklace. I put on black high top converse. I went into the kitchen and Sarah was sitting at the table.

"Hey can you tell me dad that I went over to Luke's place?" I asked her.

"I guess." she snapped.

"What's your problem?"

"Nothing. You know Trevor right?"

"Yeah my ex- boyfriend that you made out with in the back of the school, and ruined my life. I know who he is, so what?"

"I mean I like him but I just don't think it's working." she said. I wanted to feel bad for her but I couldn't I mean honestly this girl ruined my relationship with Trevor and then tried to make me jealous by going out with him.

"Sarah let's be honest here for a second. You never liked Trevor, you just went out with him to make me jealous and now that you know that you were being a total bitch you realize you don't like him so you want to break up with him." I said. She looked at me with complete and utter shock at what I just said her. ''But I forgive you for all the nasty shit you've done to me for half my life. So if you don't like Trevor than break up with him." I said. She nodded and then looked back down at her phone. I turned to leave when she said something else.

"Thank you Tessa." she said. I smiled and grabbed the keys to the spare car. I got into the car and drove over to Luke's. I walked up to the front door, and knocked. A taller, and older version of Luke opened the door. It must have been his older brother or something.

"Um Hi?" he stared at me for a second.

"Um is Luke here?" I asked.

"Luke!" He shouted. Luke came around the corner and down the steps.

"Hey come on up." he said. I followed Luke up the stairs but stopped walking when his brother said something.

"Hey Luke aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?" he said. Luke rolled his eyes and turned to face him.

"Tessa meet my older and annoying brother Jack. Jack meet my girlfriend Tessa." he said.

"Oh so this is the girl you talk about in your sleep." I couldn't help but laugh at his comment.

"And that's enough of family time." Luke grabbed me by the shoulders, turned me around and we walked to his room. When we got in there I sat on his bed.

"So you talk about me in your sleep?" I said, with a smirk on my face.

"He's just joking." He said, sitting down next to me.

"I'm really sorry I haven't hung out with you lately."

"It's fine, your going through a tuff time." he said.

"So what do you wanna do? I asked him.

"Um, you want to watch a movie?" he asked, and I nodded. He got up and went into his closet and pulled out a basket filled with movies. I walked over to him and sat on the floor with him.

"So what do you want to watch?" he asked.

"Something scary." I said.

"Okay, I have Saw, Nightmare on Elm Street, or Cabin in the Woods." he said

"Let's go with the Saw" I said.

"Good choose." He out the rest of te movie back into his closet and the movie on the bed.

"Let's go get something to snack on." he said. I nodded and followed him out of his room and down stairs to the kitchen. Both of his brothers sat at the table.

"Oh look who decided to emerge from his cave." Jack said. Luke shot him an evil glare.

"And who might this be." Luke's other brother said.

"Oh yeah Ben, this Tessa. Tessa this is Ben my other annoying brother." he said, putting the bag of popcorn in thr microwave.

"Well it's nice meeting you. Are you one of Luke's friends?" he asked me,and shook my hand. Luke turned around and shot my a worried look. I gave him a glare.

"Yeah you could say that." I said clenching my jaw and looking at Luke. He knew that I was seriously going to hurt him for not telling his brother he had a girlfriend, and that I her.

"Um, how long have you known Luke?" he asked me.

"Oh I've known of him for years now but I've known him since the beginning of this year." I said trying to hide my anger.

"Um, Ben I would shut up if you want don't want Luke to get in trouble with his friend." Jack said.

"What the hell are you talking about now Jack?" Ben turned around facing Luke and Jack.

"Oh he probably means that I'm not just Luke's friend, I'm his girlfriend." I said, looking over Ben's shoulder to gove Luke a look, warning him that he was already in trouble.

"Wait Luke never said he had a-" he stopped when he realized what was going on. I nodded, and the timer on the microwave went off. Luke grabbed the bag out of the microwave and put the popcorn in a bowl.

"Nice meeting you Ben." I said, with a fake smile on my face.

"Nice meeting you to Tessa." he said. Luke walked out of the room, and I was about to follow when Jack said something else. "Oh and Tessa don't beat him up to bad, his looks are all he's got." he said. I laughed at his comment, then left the room. I got into Luke's room, where he was sitting on his bed. He gave me a huge smile. Indicating that he knew that he had done something wrong.

"How could you not tell your brothers you had a girlfriend?!" I yelled

"I'm sorry. You see how they are they would have made fun of me on the spot." he said.

"I'd rather you be humiliated instead of me" I said "Just wait Luke, I will so get you back for this." I sat next to him. He gave me a smile. I laughed at his rediculous smile. Then lightly kissed him.

"See you can't be mad at me for long." he said.

"Oh I'm definately still mad at you." I said, and he gave me a worried look. He put the movie in, and sat back down next to me. At the scary parts I would cover my eyes by using Luke's shoulder, and let out a small yelp. He would laugh of course. I didn't end up finishing the movie becasue I fell asleep with my head on Luke's shoulder, and hoped he didn't wake me up. I just wanted to lay next to him forever.

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