Chapter Twenty Six: Like I had a Fruit Basket on my Head

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A/N: This chapter is dediated to who ever made this wonderful cover. Like I said in my other author's note my Gmail was glitching and for some reason after I saved the pictures it deleted so I don't know who to make this out to but it's really good. Sorry Luv ya though!!!!

I woke up to my alarm on my phone going, telling me to get up for school. I got up and got into the shower, since I hadn't taken one in two days. I turned the water on and while I waited for it to heat up I went in my closet and picked out my outfit for the day. I picked out a off-white sweater with wholes throughout it and a maroon shirt for under it in. I then jumped in the shower. When I got out I dried my hair, then I put on my clothes. I was early so I could sit for a few minutes. I checked my phone for any new messages. I had one from Calum.

Calum: Bring ur guitar to school today.

Me: Why?

Calum: Just do it...please.

Me: Fine.

He didn't text back. I finished getting ready. I slipped on black combat boots, grabbed my guitar and bag and walked out the door. I walked into school and to my locker. I decided to grab my books first then drop my guitar at the band room.

"Hey." Calum said.

"Why did you want me to bring this?" I said, pointing to the guitar.

"You'll find out after school, just meet us in the band room after last period."

"Who's us?" I said.

"You'll find out, but Luke will be there so you'll be there." I was going to protest but he had already walked away. I finished grabbing my books, then dropped my guitar in the band room and then made me way to homeroom. I sat next to Beth.

"Please tell me what ridiculous shit I did at the one will tell me." she begged

"Nope, I'm just going let you suffer." I laughed. The bell rang and and I went to gym. I went into the locker room and all the girls were looking at me like I had a fruit basket on my head. I got changed and went into the gym and stood next to Luke and Calum.

"So are you going to tell me now why I have to stay after school?" I said to Luke

"I promise it'll be fun." he said.

"Your definition of fun and my definition is very different."

"Just trust me." he said.

"Fine." I said. I looked and every girl was now giving a dirty look. I looked at Luke and he just gave me look, telling me that he saw what they were doing.

"What did you do now?" Luke said. I punched him in the arm.

"I didn't do anything, probably one of Sarah's annoying rumors." I said. I could tell that look was disturbed by these words. He didn't like it when Sarah talked about other people. You know there was a time when Sarah wasn't a total bitch, I know it's hard to believe but it's true.

"Hey Amy" Luke called over to a red-headed girl. She turned around and her face immediately lit up, with smiles. She walked over towards us.

"Hi Luke." she said, in an annoying, peppy tone.

"Why is every girl here looking at Tessa like they want to kill her." Luke said.

"Oh well Sarah has been telling everyone that she is a back stabber and that she stole you from her...oh hi Tessa." she said, keeping her giant smile on her face the whole time, she talked. He just rolled his eyes.

"Thanks Amy." he said, basically telling her to leave now.

"It's really okay Luke." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"She just pisses me off." he said firmly.

"Imagine having to live with her." I said, to try and make him laugh. It didn't work. For the rest of gym class he tried to pretend like he was happy, but I could tell he wasn't. I now felt like being his girlfriend was just a hassle. Maybe I'm just not the kind of girl that Luke should be seen with. All of these thoughts were stuck in my throughout the day.


"What am I doing here Hemmings?" I said. It was now the end of the day and I was forced to stay after with Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton would be here soon.

"Well we need to practice." he said. I was still completely confused, how does that involve me.

"I'll say it again...what am I doing here Hemmings?" I said. I put one hand on my hip. The door behind me opened and Ashton came in.

"Ashton will tell me!" I walked over to him.

"Hi Tessa." he said.

"Hi'll tell me why I am here right." I said. He looked over my shoulder at Luke, nervous of what to say.

"Don't look at him, just tell me." I said, trying to block his view.

"Um...I don't think I should tell you." He finally said. I let out a sigh. I turned back towards Luke.

"Luke Robert Hemmings I will never kiss you again, now tell me why the fuck I'm here." I said. He just laughed at me.

"You're here because we are going to help you get over your stage fright." he said. I gave him an evil look, then turned to walk out the door. Ashton stepped in my way.

"Please let me go home." I begged, Ashton.

"I drove all the way here and I had to trick the front desk lady that I went to your are not leaving until we get rid of your stage fright." he said. I was surprised, he had always seemed like a somewhat shy guy. I moaned and sat down on chair. Luke went to walk past me and I kicked him.

"You'll thank me later." he said.

"I hate you and I'm not going along with this." I said. I was a very stubborn person, and when I didn't want to do something, I didn't do it.

"You are going to go along with it because if you don't I will tell your dad that you are dating a guy in a band instead of a rich college boy." he said. I narrowed me eyes at him.

"You wouldn't dare." I said.

"Oh I would." He said.

"Fine but I will not enjoy myself." I said.

"Whenever you're with me you always enjoy yourself." he winked at me. He proceeded to go to the back of the room and grab my guitar. He handed it to me.

"Play it." he said. I could tell now, that it was going to be a long night.

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