Chapter Sixty: The End.

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I woke up at 10:00 like I normally do to go to work. I got into the shower, blow dried my hair. I put on a black T-shirt and a blur flannel over it, and a pair of ripped jeans. I grabbed my bag and headed to work. As Ii drove I thought that I only had to wait one more week until Luke's tour was over and I couldn't wait. I pulled into the music shop and went inside. Everyday was normal, I went to work, went home maybe went and see my parents or Sarah. Life had been pretty plain with out Luke around. I got to Facetime hime occasionally but it still wasn't the same. I worked through the day until my shift was almost over. I was completely tired and ready to go home. I grabbed my things and headed out. I got to my car and I was about to get in when a familiar van pulled. It looked like the one the Luke and the rest of the guys pulled off in the day they left. It couldn't be them though.

"Tessie?" I looked back to the direction of the van and Luke was standing right there. The biggest smile went across my face as I ran towards him. I jumped in his arms and wrapped my legs around his waste and hugged him tight.

"Nice to see you too." he said. I looked at him and kissed him. "God I've missed that." he said.

"Luke what are you doing here. I thought you weren't coming back for another week?" I said.

''I wanted surprise you...are you?" he asked.

"Damn right I'm surprised." I said kissing him again. I stood back up but Luke never let go of me. He had his arms wrapped around my waiste and was looking down at me.

"You have no idea how much I missed kissing you." I said.

"I missed you too" he said.

"Are the rest of the guys here?'' I asked.

"No they went home but now we can have some alone time." he said. I said.


We got home and were just sitting on the couch as I cuddled into him. We talked about his tour and how he had finally made it big. He told me how it was probably the best thing to be on stage and in front of thousands of people.

"Luke I'm so happy for you." I said.

"I wish I didn't have to be away for that long.'' he said.

"Well now you're back now so it doesn't matter anymore." I said, and he nodded. I looked at the time and it was nearly 1:00 am so I wanted to head to bed.

"I'm gonna head to bed." I said.

"Okay I'm tired anyway I'll come too." Luke said following me down the hall to our room. He sat and laid on the bed while I got changed. I could tell Luke was staring at me as I changed my top and pants into something more comfortable. Then I crawled in next to Luke.

"You know you would look much better with your cloths off.'' he said with a smirk on his fcae.

"You've back, not even a day and you're already hitting on me." I said.

"Yup." he said.

"Oh well sorry Hemmings you're not getting lucky tonight.'' I said.

"You sure about that." He said and then kissing me. He was hovering over me.

"Well I don't know aren't you a little jet lagged?'' I teased.

"Not at all. I'm actually very awake right now." he said kissing me again. He trailled down my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Why do I let you persuade me like this." I said.

"Cause you love me." he whispered into my ear.

"You know this is all I've been wanting to do all day." he said.

"I bet." I said. It was probably one of the bet lights iv had in a while. I finally was with Luke again after six months.


I woke up the next morninng and my head was on Luke's bare chest. He was drawing circles on my back. He smiled down at me.

"Morning." I said in a croggy voice.

"Morning. I would ask you how you slept but we both know you didn't." he said with a smirk on his face.

"You're hilarious." I said sarcastically.

"I'll go get some breakfast for me and my beautiful girlfriend." he said getting up from the bed and walking into the kitchne. I heard dishes rambling around as I sat there. Luke hadn't come back ina while so I decided to go see what he was doing. I put on one of his large T-shirts and went into the kitchten to see him sitting at the table enjoying a bowl of cereal.

"What happened to getting breakfast for your wonderful girlfriend?" I asked.

"Well I got really hungry so I decided I would eat now and then bring you some." he said. I shot him a look and started making my own bowl. We sat and ate a nice breakfast together. I was so happy that he was finally home.


*1 month later.

Luke has been home for a month now and it has been great having him home again. Even though I had to go to work I was still home enough to see him. One morning I had realized that I had missed my period this month so I got a bit worried. So without Luke knowing I got pregnancy test.

"Luke um I'll be right back." I said getting up from the bed. I went and took the test. Positive. I took it again. Positive. and three more times. Positive. I was fucking pregnant! I didn't know if I should be happy or being haveing a nervous breakdown.

"Um hey Luke!" I called form inside the bathroom.

"Yeah? You okay?' he said. I took a deap breathe and opened the door to the bathroom.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said nervously.

"Doesn't seem like it. What's wrong?' he asked. I went and sat next to Luke.

"Don't freak out okay." I said.

"Freak out about what?'' he asked. I held the test in my hand and showed it to him. He look at it for a second.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Yeah I took it like fove times." I said.

"One question.'' he said.


"Do you want to keep he/she?" he asked. I thought about it for a second. I mean could I be a mom?

"Yes." I said.

"Then okay. I guess I'm gonna be a dad." he said with a big smile across his face.

"Wait you're gonna help me?" I said.

"Of course Tessa I love you. and I know I love this baby." I said.

"I love you too." I said kissing.

"How did I become to be so lucky so have a girlfriend like you?'' he said.

"I would say we are more like Friends with Benefits." I kissed.


A/N: Oh My God guys it's actually over. Thank you so much for reading this I had so much writing it for you. You continued to encouraged me to do crazy things with it. I know at some points you just wanted to rip you hair out but in the ned I'm really happy about how this came. And yes I am doing a sequel so just stick around and you'll have to wait and see. Once again I ove you guys so much. Luv ya guys!!!!


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