Chapter Six: Close your Mouth Bud you'll Catch Flies

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"What?" Beth said

"You know how Michael and I went out right?

"Yeah and?"

"Well he asked me to marry him!" I said trying to conceal my laughter.


"I know right"

"What did you say?" she said with a worried tone in her voice.


"Tessa you are insane you can't marry a guy you're only 17!" She said. Eventually Michael climbed in and sat next to me as I talked to her.

"I feel like it's meant to be though."

"Tessa still have college and stuff I don't support this!"

"Why not I thought you were my friend?" At this point Michael was on the floor laughing his heart out but luckily Beth couldn't hear him.

"I am your friend and that's why I don't like this idea."

"I was going to ask you to be my maid of honor."

"No Tessa I don't like this so I'm not going to the wedding!"



"Because there is no wedding!"

"What do you mean?" she said, now she was really confused.

"This was pay back for giving Luke my number. I'm not getting married I'm 17"

"I'm going to fucking hurt you! You know how much scared me?"

"It was pretty funny though."

"Is Michael there with you?"

"Yup". I said as he still laughed on the floor.

"I hate you."

"Love you too."



Michael eventually got up of the floor and sat next to me. We talked for a while about how funny it was that Beth actually thought I would get married to him.

"You know Luke isn't that much of an ass if you get to know him." Michael said out of no where.

"Yeah he hasn't really shown me that he is nothing else but an ass."

"Just warning you he has a way with girls."

"Yeah but I'm not like the other girls."

"Yeah I can see that most of the girls in our school would being making out with him and defiantly not hanging out with me."

"I like hanging out with you." I said as I blushed.

"When you  go talk to Beth you have to let me come with you. I have to meet the girl that I just so rudely pranked."  he said trying to change the conversation.

"Okay. I know you to will get along just fine."  I giggled

"Why do you say that."

"She's just like you, except she doesn't have green hair."

"Oh well I can't wait to meet her."

"You'll just have to wait until Monday." He left eventually and I sat on the coach the rest of the weekend watching old movies and eating junk food which was what I do on most of my weekends.


On Monday morning I got up and put a my hair in a messy bun and wore comfy sweatpants and a sweatshirt. This is usually my attire on Mondays. I walked into school and went straight to my locker, I didn't wait for Beth to come because I promise Michael I would talk to her about the prank together.

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