Chapter Five: I Like the Part about Your Ass

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Luke was so close I could feel breath on on my face.

"You okay Tessie you look nervous?"

"No, but if I was you I would back up."

"And why is that?" He said with a smirk

"Because you are very close to getting kicked in the balls."

"I don't think you'll do it." he said, grabbing me by the waiste pulling me close to him.

Oh God.

I turned my head to the left to see Sarah standing with Luke shirt in her hands and smoke practically come out of her nose. Then Luke looked in her direction.

"Am I interrupting something?" she snapped

"Nope." I said and stepping away from Luke.

"I was just telling Tessie here that we had finished our prodject so I wouldn't have an excuse to come see her, and as you can see she's heart broken." he said sarcastically

"Yeah worst news ever." I said in the same sarcastic tone.

"Tessa don't you have homework to do?" she said

"No but I get the hint, I won't interact with your people." I said walking away. I went into my room and went on my laptop and looked up new shirts on holister's website, I had no cloths at all , but it wasn't much help beacuse I found nothing that I liked. When the door opened. I turned around to see Luke standing in the doorway

"What could you possibly want now?" I complained

"I just wanted to see how your date with Michael went?"

"Why do care so much about how my date went."

"Becasue when we go out I need to know what I'm up against."

"I'm sorry Luke I can't hear you over the size of you ego."

"Oh I guess I should have mentioned that we are going next Friday."

"Yeah no."

"Don't worry eventually you'll say yes, they always do." I was going to prove him wrong that I wasn't like the other girls.

"Whatever you say Luke."

"So how was your date?"

"It was a lot of fun, can you now get out of my room?"

"Aw but I like it in here."

"You really are a complete pain in my ass."

"I like the part about your ass." I threw a pillow at his face

"And what about Sarah, the one that was this close to killing me before why don't you ask her out?"

"Because I don't like her that way." he said giving me a sexy look.

"Don't look at me like that."

"I have to go anyway but I will miss you Tessie."

"Don't call me that!" I shouted to him down the hall. I stayed up all night thinking about when Luke was holding me by the waste. I wasn't sure if I like it or not. I soon fell asleep and I was happy beacuse I didn't have to wake early for school.


I woke up around 2:00 pm. I went in the kitchen to see my dad sitting at the table with his uniform on. My dad is cop, I didn't really like that though one day he could just show up dead and I would have to live alone with Maria and Sarah, I have nightmares about that.

"Weren't you supposed to be at work by twelve?"

"They changed my squedule so I have to be there by 2:30."

"Oh okay, but you'll be home for pizza and card games right?"

"Yeah I wouldn't miss it." Every Saturday me and my dad would order pizza and play card games until midnight.

"I got to go" he said kissing me on the forehead

"Okay I'll see you later." I went back into my room and checked my phone and saw I had one message from and unfamiliar number

Unknown: Hey ;)

Me: Who's this?

Unknown: Guess

Me: I don't know just tell me.

Unknown: Oh come on Tessie.

The only person I knew that called me that was Luke. How did he get my number, it never ends!

Me: Luke how did you get my number!

Luke: I have my ways

Me: Just tell me!

Luke: It was Beth.

Me: You asked my friend for my number!

Luke: Yup ;)

Me: Don't text me.

He didn't text me back after that, maybe he listened for once. I laid there plaining my pay back against Beth for giving him my number but I was gonna need help. I picked up my phone and called Michael and told to come over.

"Hey what's up?" he said while climbed over onto my balconey

"How would you like to get back at my friend Beth?"

"It would be my pleasure, what are we doing and why?"

"Well she gave Luke my number for one and I don't know what we are going to do yet."

"Oh I know..." he wispered into my ear the plan.

"That's perfect she will freak out, okay so on Sunday I'll give her the news."


On Sunday morning I called Beth.

"Guess what!"

"What?" she said

Oh I'm going to have fun with this pay back. I think I might have too much fun.

A/N: Hey guys I know it was kind of a short chapter I just wanted to leave it with suspense. Don't forget to Vote bye. ;) 




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