Chapter Four: Put a shirt on Luke and the Nutella is in the Pantry

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I woke up the next morning, brushed my teeth and got ready for school. I wore a nirvana shirt and ripped jeans, and straightened my hair and walked down stairs.

"Morning." I said kissing my dad on the cheek.

"Morning...listen I have to get to work early so I'm leaving now."

"Okay see you later." I said as he walked out the door. I still had time to spare so I went back into my room to wait. I walked in my room and yet again Michael was sitting on my bed.

"Hello there." I said sitting next to him

"Hi" he said with the biggest smile on his face


"I'm just excited to take you out tonight."

"Oh was that tonight." I said sarcastically

"Yup" he said laughing

"Well I can't wait to see what you have in store."

"We should head to school."

"Okay" said standing up. We walked to school, I kept trying to guess where he was taking me. We walked into the school and me and Michael went our separate ways and Beth met me at my locker.

"Hey what are you doing after school?"

"I'm going out Michael."

"As in Michael Clifford!"

"Yup that's the one."

"Wow I can't believe you are going out with him, he just didn't strik me as your type."

"Okay so I have type now? And he asked my out so I said yes it's not like we are dating."

"Okay whatever you say." We walked to homeroom and stat our desks. When the bell rang I went Chemistry and sat next to Michael.


"Hey?" he responded

"Why the confused face?"

"I just didn't think that you would want to be seen with me at school."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know a girl like you hanging out with a guy like me."

"You make it sound like I'm well known." We both laughed. We sat there not even listening to the teacher just talking, she yelled at us a few times, but we ignored her. Then the bell rang.

"I'll talk to later."


I walked to my locker to get my books for my next class, when I saw Luke standing there with three girls standing around him one of them being Sarah. I pushed past them and opened my locker.

"Hey Tessie!" he yelled. All three of the girls turned aroung, giving me a dirty look. I didn't answer him.

"Hey" he said leaning against the locker next to mine.

"What do you want?" I said

"You don't seem to happy to see me Tessie."

"And you seem way too happy to see me, are we done here?" I said shutting my locker and walking the opposite direction, of course he followed me.

"Wait up Luke." Sarah called behind us

"Are we still on for after school?" completely ignoring her kept walking next to me staring at me as I try not to look at him. I stopped in the middle of the hall.

"What's with you, why are you interested in me? I mean come on I've gone to the same school as you for years, why now are you bothering me?"

"I don't know." he said. Sarah was still standing there with us.

"You have a mental issue." I said and kept walking.

"I get that a lot."

"What a suprise." I said sarcastically. I finally made it to class but sadly he was in the same one as me and so was Sarah. She was glued at his hip. I sat in a desk and he sat next to me.

"Where am I going to sit?" Sarah said.

"Behind me." he said. I got through the rest of the day with Luke breathing down my neck but I finally get to go on my date with Micheal. I was at my locker when someone tapped my on the shoulder, I spun around thinking it was Micheal but I wasn't suprised that it was Luke.

"What do you want!" I said.

"I just came here to see what you are doing after school today?"

"I'm going out with Michael and even if I wasn't I wouldn't hang out with you."

"You wait you'll be all over me soon." He said with a smirk. Michael came around the corner

"Hey Luke?" Michael said

"Hey." Luke said.

"What are you doing here?"

"Pissing me off." I answered for him

"Well I'll be on my way." he snapped

"Goodbye." I said waving him away, and he walked away

"You ready?" Michael said

"Yup" and we walked off.

"So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise but we have to drive there so we have to go home and get my car."

"Okay" We went back to his place and grabbed his car.

"So can you give me a hint of where we are going."

"'ll be doing a lot of screaming."

"Oh God." I said as he laughed. We drove for about ahalf hour when finally we pulled up to a large amusment park.

"Oh, screaming, I get it now."

"Yup" We bought our tickets and went on some small rides and then went a large rollercoasters wich were not pleasant but I had a lot of fun. We went and god popcorn.

"Having fun?" he asked

"Yeah." I said we ate and went on one more ride beacuse the park was closing soon.

He drove me home and we at in his car for a second.

"I had fun." I said

"Me too."

"I'll see you Monday Michael' I said, kissing him on cheek.

"Bye" he.

I walked inside and went into the kitchen and saw Luke without a shirt on.

"What are you doing, did my sister and you already hook up with you becasue then I owe Beth five bucks." I said.

"No, I spilt  juice on my shirt so she offered to wash it, why do you like what you see?" he said walking closer to me.


"Aw" he said with a fake frown on his face

"You wouldn't happen to have Nutella would you?"

"Okay listen to me carefully, put a shirt on Luke and the Nutella is in the pantry."

"You sure you want me to put a shirt on?"

"Positive" I lied. I didn't mind him being shirtless. Wait snap out of it Tessa this dude is an ass you can't fall for him!

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