Chapter Nineteen: Oh Stop being such a Penguin, and Say Yes.

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I woke up before my alarm clock went off. I felt something around me. I looked down to see Luke's arm strung across my waste. He was closer to me then how we fell asleep. He moaned and was about get out of bed until he saw me awake and laid back down. Not even caring that we had school. I turned to face him.

"We need to get-" he stopped me by putting his hand over my mouth.

"Don't say we have to go to school." he said. I pulled his hand off my mouth.

"I missed detention yesterday because of you I'm not getting in trouble again because of you."

"You can't get in trouble if you don't go." he said.

"Fine but this is nothing okay, we are not a thing." I said pointing to him and me.

"Whatever you say Tessie." he said, closing his eyes again. Ten minutes went by and someone knocked at the door and me and Luke springed onto the floor where who ever was on the other side couldn't see us.

"Tessa are you still here?" my dad came in. Me and Luke stayed quiet so that he couldn't here us. He stood there for a second and then shut the door. About two minutes later I heard him pull out of the driveway.

"I thought he would never leave." he said.

"You need to stop almost getting me in trouble." I said.

"Your forgetting a key word there, I almost get you in trouble." he smiled.

"And that is the end of me even sitting in the same bed as you." I said, getting up off of the ground. Luke grabbed me arm and pulled me back down, but this time on his lap.

"I am this close to punching to in the face." I said.

"Yeah but you can't say that you're not enjoying this alone time." he bit his lip. I rolled my eyes. and stood up.

"Like I said before, we are not a thing." I said.

"Why can't we be?" he asked, also getting up from the floor.

"We just can't." I said.

"You can't honestly say that you don't have feelings for me." he said.

"Like I said, I know you type of boys, once I feel something I get my heartbroken." I said, walking onto the balcony.

"How do you know I'm like those other guys?" he said.

"I don't, but I'd rather not take chance." Under his breath he said, a couple swear words.

"Oh stop being a baby, you'll get over me in a week." I said.

"I don't think so." he said, stepping closer to me.

"Don't." I said, with a slight giggle.

"Don't do what?" he said, as stepped even closer.

"Step closer, to me." I said, putting me hand up.

"Oh Tessie whatever are you talking abou?." he said in a sarcastic tone, and now a centimeter away.

"I seriously will punch." I said.

"I don't think you will." he now had his arm around me and pressing me up against his chest. I looked him straight in the eyes. I wanted nothing more than to let him in but-. I was interrupted mid-thought.

"So you admit it!" He said.

"What no I didn't?!" I yelled.

"I love it when you think out loud!" he said, picking me up and placing me on the railing. I grabbed him tight, not wanting to fall backwards.

"Don't let me go!" I said, looking down at the ground.

"Don't worry Tessie I got you." he said, pulling me off the edge. I punched him in the shoulder.

"That's what you get for putting me up on the edge." I said.

"You admitted you wanted to us to be a thing." he said, calmly this time.

"I thought it, there's a big difference."

"Yeah but you said, it as well." he said. I paused, trying to think of something clever to say. I thought of nothing.

"Okay fine maybe I want us to be a thing, but every girl in school would want my head on a silver platter, and I'd rather not have that happen." I said.

"Oh stop, being such a penguin and just say yes...Tessa will you be my girlfriend?" he said.

"I don't know I've only been on one date with you." I said, now teasing him.

"Fine let's go right now then."

"Right now?" I said.

"Yup go get ready, I'll go back to my house and get ready and I'll be here to pick you up in an hour." he said, in a excited tone. I let out a sigh.

"Okay fine." I said. Without another word Luke ran inside and down to his car.

I immediately got in the shower. Once I got out I picked out something to wear, I picked out skinny black jeggings, a plain black crop top and a blue flannel. I know it wasn't date material, but it was the only clean thing I had. I then blow-dried my hair and then put curls my hair. I put on mascara and a eye liner. I took a look in the mirror and waited for Luke.


I heard a beep of a car and got up off the bed and went outside, where I saw Luke's car sitting there. I got into the passenger seat.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey, you look great." he said.

"Thanks." I said, looking back at what I was wearing. He pulled out of the drive way.

"So where are we going?" I asked him.

"It's a surprise." he said.

"Last time you said that I ended up having to jump in a lake in the middle of the night." I giggled

"Well I promise you won't have to do that this time." he said.

"Okay good." I said. We drove for a few minutes and then pulled into a driveway of a bowling alley, that looked very old.

"A bowling alley isn't that too cliche for you?" I said laughed.

"This bowling alley shut down about five years."

"So why are we here then?" I asked him.

"Well we'll just have to inside and find out, won't we." he said, getting out of the car. I followed him. He hit the door with force and it opened. It was pitch black, until Luke hit a switch, then all the lights went on. Lanes set up, with bowling pins, and bowling balls laying everywhere.

"We are still going bowling, but it's way better when we don't have to pay for it." he said. I began to laugh. He led me to the first lain where five bowling balls sat on a rack and we grabbed ten bowling pins and set them up at the end lain.

"None of the machines work but we can still play." he said.

"You come up with the craziest things."

"I'm just creative like that." he said with this big smile on his face. We played for about two hours, just the two of us. The outside world was irrelevant. This how I always wanted to feel, I guess you could say I always wanted to be with him.

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