Chapter Forty-Six: Check my Pulse and See if I'm still Alive

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Sarah was getting Bella ready while I just sat there and watched. I knew Sarah would be way better at making me look...pretty so I just waited for her. While I waited I texted Luke.

Me: Hey ;)

Luke: Hey. U getting ready?

Me: No I'm waiting 4 Sarah to finsish with Bella.

Luke: Oh well I can't wait to see you in the amazingly sexing dress of yours ;)

Me: You're going to have to wait.

Luke: I hate waiting.

Me: To bad. I have to go Sarah's going to start on me.

Luke: K bye.

I looked up from my phone and Bella looked great. Her eyes popped from the mascara and eyeliner surrounding her eyes. Hey hairs was in a low bun, and two curls hang down onto the side of her face.

"You look great, Bella!" I said.

"Thanks. I'll wait to put on my dress until you do." she said, and I nodded. I went and sat down in the chair Bella was sitting in and waited for Sarah to begin.

"This isn't going hurt right?" I asked.

"No." Sarah laughed. She took out a base and out in all over my face. Then put on blush and a bunch of ther shit. I sat in the chair for about a half hour, and she hadn't even started with my hair. She heated up the curling iron. I was a bit worried that she would burn me but I had to deal with it. When the iron was heated up she began to curl my hair. I've only curled my own hair, not anyone else, except Beth when I first went on a date with Luke. Sarah curled all my hair and the put half of my hair back into a clip and left the rest down.

Sarah did her own makeup and hair. Then I went into my closet and pulled out my and Bella's dress and Sarah went and grabbed her's from her room. I slipped on my dress. It was a strapless teal dress with sequins and the top part of it. It flowed down to the floor. Sarah was wearing a light pink dress, and Bella wore and red mid-thigh dress. I put on my shoes and went out into the living room with Sarah and Bella.

"Oh my god you girls look great!" Maria squealed. I turned around to see her staring at us.

"Thanks mom" Sarah said.

"Thanks Maria." I said.

"Okay come on we're taking a pictue. Sean get up here and see your daughters in their dresses!" she yelled down to my dad.

"Maria I don't think a picture is neccesary'' I said. I hated taking pictures and espescially when I'm  in a dress.

"Of course a picture is neccesary. Let's go outside and do it!" she said, in a peppy tone. She ran down the stairs, and outside. My dad came and saw us taking pictures on the lawn.

"You look beautiful girls" my dad said.

"Thanks dad" I said. Maria had taken all the pictures her heart could desire, so we were about to leave. I then heard someone call for me. I turned around and saw Michael walking across his lawn. He wore and white button up shirt and a nice black jacket over it. He walked up to me.

"Wow you look-" he said.

"Thanks you too." I giggled.

"Tessa come on we're leaving." Sarah called for me.

"I have to go but I'll see you there." I said.

"Okay" he said. I walked off. We all got into Sarah's car and drove off to the school. We drove to school and it was already packed. Sarah parked the car and we walked into the school. We entered the gym and it was filled with people and multi-colored lights lit up the room. It was loud and hard to hear anything.

"So what now?" I asked,

"How about we go get some punch while we wait for our dates." Sarah said. Me and Bella nodded and we walked towards the table. We drank some punch as we waited. I looked over to the entrance and Luke, Michael, and Calum stood there. I suddenly had butterflies in my stomach. I slowly walked over there. Luke hadn't seen me yet. Michael and Calum had already walked away. I finally got in front of Luke and his jaw dropped to the ground. He looked at me up and down. I just laughed at his reaction.

"Can you do me a favor?" he said, still looking shocked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Check my pulse and see if I'm still alive." he said. I just laughed.

"So are going to talk to me or just stare at me the whole night?" I said.

"Can't I do both?" he gave me a smirk, as I rolled me eyes.

"Why don't we go dance." I said. I pulled him over to the dance floor. We danced for a while. I had so much fun with him. Eventually I got tired so we went outside for a walk. We went out to this small garden. I held his hand as we walked. We got to a bench and sat down. I could hear the music coming from inisde the school.

"Are you having fun?" Luke asked me.

"Yeah..." I said. "Who knew." I continued.

"Who knew what?" he asked me.

"Who I would be the lucky girl going to homecoming with Luke Hemmings, the guy that every girl would kill to go out on a date with." I said.

"You know how I promised to be the best mistake you ever made?" he said.


"Did I keep my promise?" he said.

"Definitely." I said I pressed my lips to his. I kissed him pationatly. I rapped my arms around his neck as he cupped my face with his hands. I really did love Luke and I knew he really loved me as well. When we pulled away, he just bit his lip. I seriously loved it when he bit his lip.

"I know you do." he said.

"You know I do, what?" I asked.

"You said you seriously loved it when I bit my lip." he said. I luaghed and out my head on his shoulder.

"From the day I met you I can't seem to keep my thoughts in my head." I said.

"Would it make you feel better if I told you it was extremely hot?" he asked. I looked up at him, and laughed.
He smiled at me, and I stared into his blue eyes.

"I love you Luke." I said.

"I love you too Tessa." he said.

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