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Ok so this is going to be a rant about a topic that has been bothering me for forever. If u don't want to hear any of this or don't care what my opinion is just kindly ignore this.

Ok I'm assuming everyone knows who Arzaylea is and that a lot of the fandom has a negative response towards her. Crystal and Nia are also new to the argument. There have been rumors that Crystal is dating Michael. These are just rumors and no one can prove anything right now. Also Nia from hey violet has been seen with Calum so people assume they are together. I get that ur gonna be upset that you fav is dating someone and I'm not saying u can't be upset. I'm also not saying that u can not state ur opinion on any of this. Honestly u can put whatever the hell I want to put on the internet and no one an stop u. But when u post something or write something that is hateful and purposely trying to antagonize someone else just because u don't like someone is in fact hate. Not everyone does this and thanks to the people that don't but if u are commenting on Arzaylea, Crystals or Nia post saying to kill themselves or that they aren't good enough to date one of the boys. Even posting hate one ur account about how u hate them or that the boys should open there fucking eyes and see how awful they are. Anything along those lines is hateful and honestly not needed. Everyone calm down. Take a deep breathe and think about what ur gonna say before u post anything. It's really not worth ur time and effort to do any of that. Like I said people have there opinions but when it gets out of hand that's what bothers me. Also I can't prevent u from posting what u want. This is just my opinion on it and I don't care if u don't agree with me. Let the boys date whoever the fuck they want to date and if ur helping spread tumors ur not helping the fandom in any way. Just try and be kind and have fun on Internet and not make it stressful for urself or anyone else. Thanks. Also all hate towards any of the girls mentioned or towards the boys will be deleted and you'll be blocked. Sorry not sorry.

Ps sorry if I sounded like a bitch this whole time.


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