Chapter Fifty-Two: Are you sure You're not Drunk?

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I looked at Luke as we sat on the sand. I was sweating because I was wearing jeans. Luke then stood up and held out his hand for me to take.

"You ready?" he asked me.

"For what?" I responded.

"To go for a swim." he smiled at me. I gave him a worried look.

"Why am I always forced to go swimming when I go on dates with you?" I rolled my eyes. He pulled me towards the water, I stopped when I got the water line.

"This is far enough for me." I said.

"Oh come on Tessie." with that he picked me up and through me over his shoulder. I let out a scream.

"Luke put me down!" I yelled out and laughed a bit.

"I let you down when we get into the water." he said. He continued to walk into the water. When he was up to his hips, he set me down. The water was mostly calm. I looked up at him. Since he was taller then me the water was up higher on me.

"Happy now that I've gotten my jeans and shirt completly soaked?" I said.

"You could always take them off." he suggested.

"How about no." I said. He then went under the water, and I was picked up. I looked down at him, and laughed. He put me down and stared into my eyes.

"Have I ever told you that I love green eyes?"

"Have I ever told you that I love boys named Luke Hemmings?" I smiled at him.

''I don't expect you to forgive me Tessie. But I-" I stopped him and kissed him. I when I pulled away he looked shocked at what I did.

"Are you sure you're not drunk?" he asked me

"I do forgive you Luke. I realized that I love you way to much to let you go again. The whole time I was at college I thought of you." I said.

''So is that saying you want to get back together?"

"Lucas Robert Hemmings will you be my borfriend...again?" I asked him.

"Do you even have to ask.'' he said.


Luke dropped me back of at my house. I went inside, and into the kitchen.

"That car looked familiar." I jumped when the voice behind me startled me. I turned around and Sarah stood there.

"What?'' I said nervously.

"That was Luke's car that just droppd you off. You went out with Luke!" she said excitedly.

"What no" I said in a high pitched voice. I wasn't a very good lair.

"You did! So did you forgive him? Oh of course you did you love him!" she said.

"Whoa calm down why do you care if I forgave Luke in the first place?" I asked her.

"Cause I fucked up your whole life and I know he made you happy and I want you to be happy. Tessa you're like my sister." she said.

"Listen, I did forgive Luke but it's not going to be as easy for you." I said.

"I don't care as long as you forgave him." she said. I was a bit shocked at how excited she was for me. I mean she didn't want Luke? I had no clue what is going on in this girl's head.

"Okay well I'm just gonna go in my room. Don't faint of excitment please." I said. She nodded and I walked to my room. I laid on my bed, and just thought of what my life was going to by like now taht I was back with Luke I thought about college, and then it came to me. I hated college! I had told everyone that it was good and I was learning a lot of great things but I fucking hated every second of it. I knew no one. I always thought that I wanted to go to college for music but I just wanted to play music on my free will. I just sat there thinking of what I was going to do.

I soon began to get tired and drifted to sleep, still thinking o my life and how it was going to change drastically.


I was woken up my a shater of glass. I sprung up and looked over at my clock. It was only 3:00 in the morning. I stumbled out of bed and opened my door, and went to go see what had fallen. I went into the kitchen and tured on the lights and a plate had been broken. There was no one around that could have broken it though. I started to pick up the broken peices. I was kind of annoyed that whoever broke it hadn't cleaned it up. I through the pieces in the trash. I went to go back in my room when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Someone was was standing in the corner of the room almost like they were hiding.

"Dad?" they were large in size and was wearing all black. I couldn't see much because the light were out but I could definately tell someone was there. I then suddenly felt something crash against the back of my head. I fell to the ground, and blacked out.


Sarah's POV:

I woke up the next morning. It was around 9:00 I got out of bed and I was going to get something to eat. I knew my mom and Sean were still sleeping. I aslo didn't hear Tessa either ao she must have still been sleeping too. I opened my door and started walked down the hall when I saw a foot laying on the ground. I then became extremly nervous. I ran to see who was lying on the gound. It was Tessa!

The back of her head red with blood and glass shattered all over the floor around her. I screamed at her lying on the floor. I ran over towards her.

''Tessa!" I said She was still breathing.I rolled her into her back and helled her head up. Sean and my mom opened there door, and Sean ran into the room.

"Oh my god." he ran over towards us.

"What happened?'' my mom asked

"I don't know I came in to get breakfast and she was like this." I said. Sean picked her up in his arms and ran down the stairs. Me and and my mom followed him to the car. He set Tessa in the back seat and I sat back there with her. Sean and my mom went into the front. He zoomed off. I looked down at my hands and they were covered with Tessa's blood.

"Mom." I said. She turned back at my holding Tessa's head up and my bloody hands.

"It's going to be okay honey where almost to the hospital." she said, in a calm voice. My heart was beating at the speed of light. I couldn't process what was going on right now. We made it to the hospital and Sean got out of the car and grabbed Tessa in his arms. He ran in the doors, as we followed behind him.

"Someone please help my daughter!" he yelled out. A nurse ran over to him.

"What happened?" she asked. A man with a stretcher came over and he set Tessa on it.

"We just found her like this in the morning." he said. She nodded and ran Tessa into a back room. I sat down on a chair, completely shocked. I was too stuned to even get up and wash the blood of my hands. I then thought of Luke. I instantly got up and walked over to the front desk and asked for a phone since I had left at home. The lady handed my the phone and I dialled Luke's number.

"Hello?" he said in a croggy voice.

"Luke it's Sarah." I said.

"I'm hanging up now." he said.

"No wait it's about Tessa!" I said.

"Is she okay?" he said in a more worried tome

"No not really. This morning I went into the living room and she had been hit on the back of the head with a glass vase and had blacked out. We're at the hospital." I said.

"I'll be right there." he said, and hung up the phone

A/N: okay I'm sorry! I know you hate me...again. Don't worry though I promise it would get better

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