Chapter Seventeen: Don't get All Poetic on me... it's Gross

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We pulled away at the same time, I kept my eyes closed knowing that I had just made a mistake. I didn't regret it though. I could see Luke smirk through my eye lids.

"Not a word." I said holding up my finger, and still keeping my eyes shut. He just stood there. He was only a inch away from me.

"Tessie you can open you eyes now." He giggled.

"No, I don't want to." I said closing them tighter. He stepped even closer. I let out a squeal and placed my hands over my eyes as well. He grabbed my hands and took them off of my face.

"Open your eyes." He said calmly. I opened only one eyes at first then the other.

"See now was that hard?" he said, still holding my hands.

"Extremely." I said. He kept just smiling at me. What the hell did he see in a girl like me.

"I shouldn't have done that." I said, while looking at the ground.

"I think it was the smartest idea you've had...ever."

"No I promised myself I wouldn't do this again." I said pulling my hands away from him."

"Again?" he asked.

"Yeah again...I had an asshole as boyfriend that made me feel the way you make me feel, and then the next thing I know he's making out with Sarah in the back of the school, so that's why I can't do this." One tear rolled down my cheek, I wiped it away quickly.

"I'm not that guy though, I would rather stick forks in my eyes, than ever even think of doing that to you." he had his hands on my shoulders. I wanted to except my feelings for him but I couldn't get my heart broken again...I was afraid.

"I'm sorry I just can't, I know this is going to sound like I'm a total baby but I'm afraid of getting my heart broken...there I said it." I said

"That doesn't make you a baby, it makes you human." he said

"You suck, you know that." I was now really crying.

"And why do I suck?" He said.

"Because you do the whole thing with you smile and then you bite you fucking lip and the next thing you know I kissing that's why you suck." I said firmly. He began to laugh.

"You know this could all stop if you just stop being you." He laughed.

"What did I do wrong?" I said in a high pitched voice.

"You stand there thinking you're not beautiful and that a girl like you couldn't be with a guy like me yet you are beautiful and you could most definitely be with me. And I love it how you're the only girl not jumping at the opportunity to be with me." he exclaimed

"So you're telling me that you like me because I hate you?" I said with a confused look on my face.

"Yup." he said with his chin held high.

"That's also why you suck then, because you like me." I said.

"I guess then I will forever suck because I will forever like you." He said.

"Don't get all poetic on me... it's gross." I rolled m eyes.

"Let me prove to you that I will be the best decision you'll ever make." He said. I looking at the ground.

"Tessa O'Connell will you go out with me...again." he said. I let out a sigh.

"Fine...but you better be the best mistake I ever make." I looked at him. He just smiled at me. I knew what I had gotten myself into but it's not like I was his girlfriend...right?


I woke up the next morning and I got in the shower and began to get ready for school. I was still in pain from the accident and I still had a nasty cut on my lip, so you could say it was pretty obvious I was in an accident of some sort.

I had a bowl of oat- meat and then started to walk to school. When I got to my locker Luke was standing there.

"So where do you think we should go on our date?" He said.

"I don't know, isn't that a decision you have to make by yourself?"

"Yeah but since I don't want to screw it up." He had a smirk on his face.

"Well to bad you'll just have to use that brain of yours for once." I said, closing my locker. He walked next to me still.

"But using my brain is so hard, I'm better at just rushing into it and taking the risk." he pouted.

"Then do that..take the risk and trust your gut." we approached my class room.

"Bye." I said. Right before I got into my classroom he said something.

"What no goodbye kiss?" He said. I just rolled my eyes and walked in the room. Beth had been in school for now three days.

"Hey." I said, sitting next to her.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Good I" I said.

"Much better." she said. We talked until the bell rang and then walked to Chemistry. I was stopped by someone and Beth kept walking. I turned to see who had grabbed my arm. I was not happy to who I saw. It was my ex-boyfriend.


"What do you want?" I snapped

"We need to talk." he said.

"There's nothing to talk about." I said firmly. He still had hold of my arm.

"I made a mistake, please Tessa won't you give me a second chance?"

"I'll do that when you get an A+"

"Come on Tessa please."

"No Trevor now let me go!" I tried to break out of his grasp but he kept holding on. I looked to my right and saw Luke and Calum coming down the hall. They didn't see me yet. I stepped on Trevor's foot and he let go. I kicked him one more time.

"Tessie what are you doing?" Luke said.

"Nothing..." I gulped.

"Who is this, and why did you kick him?" Calum said.

"No one... listen I have to get to class." I turned and started to walk away. Luke ran after me.

"Tessie you okay?" He said. I looked in his blue eyes. I was definitely not "okay"

"Yeah I'm good." I lied.

"You was that guy?" He said. I couldn't tell him it was my ex he would freak out or something.

"That guy was your ex?!" He said.

"Psh what?" I emphasized the "a" in "what"

"Tessie." he said in a serious tone. The late bell rang.

"Okay he might be but I had it completely under control."

"Didn't look like it when he was clenching his foot in pain." he said.

"Listen I was fine okay." I snapped, and I walked to class.

"Ms. O'Connell why are you late?...again." the teacher said. I was to angry to take her shit.

"Oh maybe because I got myself twisted in some bullshit and would much appreciate it if you would stop asking me." I snapped. The next thing I know I was in the Principal's office and he was calling my dad.

Life sucks.


A/N: Hey guys I just wanted to say thanks for 2k reads! It means a lot to me. I hope you guys are enjoying the book. Don't forget to vote and all that shit. Also have a Happy New Years.

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