Chapter Forty-Five: Bye my Annoying, Kiss ass, Boyfriend

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I woke up Friday morning, and the day of homecoming. I was more excited now because I convinced Bella to come and we went out and got her really nice dress. I went into the kitchen, where Sarah, Maria and my dad were sitting. They all looked at my with a sympathetic look on the faces.

"Morning?" I said, confused at why they were looking at me like that. "What did you guys do?" I asked.

"Nothing we just wanted to see if you were okay, about today." Maria said.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I said.

"Oh with Beth not going to homecoming." my dad said, trying not make me upset.

"Dad I realize Beth isn't going to be there. I'll be okay you guys don't have to worry, and besides Bella is coming too." I said. Over the week, me and Bella had become really good friends, and she had finally agreed to come to homecoming. I had to do a lot of begging though.

"You sure you're going to be all right?" my dad asked.

"Yes dad I'll be fine." I explained. I wasn't really hungry so I decided to head to school. I walked out the front door. I saw Michael come out of his house too and I walked towards him.

"Hey come with me to go meet Bella." I grabbed him, and started to pull him towards Bella's house. Bella's house more like mansion. Her family owed a computer company for years now, so they were set for life. When I got in front of Bella's house she came out.

"Hey" she said.

"Hey" we started to walk back towards the school. I then realized Michael hadn't said anything from the time I had dragged him towards Bella's house.

"You okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I guess." he said looking at the ground.

"Is it about Beth?" I stopped and looked into his eyes.

"I just wish she was here." he said. I pulled him into a hug.

"Me too" I said. He hugged me back. I let go and looked at him. He nodded and we continued to walk.

"Who's Beth?" Bella finally said.

"She was my friend and Michael's girlfriend." I said.

"Did she move or something?" she asked. I didn't blame Bella for not knowing. I didn't talk about her a lot, I mostly mentioned her when I was with Michael.

"Um, no she died about two months ago." I said.

"Oh sorry I didn't know." she said.

"It's okay." I placed my hand on her shoulder. We continued to walk in silence. I rapped my arm around Michael's. When we got to the entrance of the school I stopped Michael and told Bella to head inside.

"Hey listen I miss her too, but we just need to keep our heads up." I said.

"Yeah I guess. I just always imagined taking her to homecoming and having the best night." he said/

"Don't worry we'll still have a great night." I said.

"You're right I just need to look on the bright side." I nodded, he then pulled me into a hug. "Thanks Tessa." he said.

"No problem." I said. We headed inside and I saw Luke standing at the entrance. He looked a bit annoyed. I started walking with and Michael then walked away. We got to my locker, and he still had that look on his face.

"You alright?" I asked him.

"Honestly not really." he snapped.

"What's up?" I said.

"I saw you and Michael outside the school. You two looked especially close today." he said.

"Wait you think me and Michael have something. Luke you do remember the whole thing with me dating you right?" I snapped. he just rolled his eyes at me. I was now quite annoyed at him. "I was hugging him because he was upset about Beth." I explained. He looked at me and realized that he had just fucked up.

"I'm such an idiot I didn't even realize that." he hit his forehead with his hand.

"Yup you are an idiot. You honestly think Micheal, you're best friend and me you're girlfriend would honestly hurt you like that?" I said.

"No, I know you wouldn't. I don't know what I was thinking." he said.

"You're lucky you're cute or I would seriously reconsider going to homecoming with you" I slightly giggled. The bell rang, as I closed my locker.

"I'll see you later my beautiful, gorgeous, girlfriend." he said.

"Bye my annoying, kiss ass, boyfriend." I kissed him and then walked off.


It was last period and then I had to go home and get ready for homecoming. Bella was coming over and Sarah was getting ready with us as well. The bell rang, I grabbed my books and made my way to my locker. I started packing up my books, and Bella walked up.

"Hey I'm almost done packing up." I said. Luke then walked up.

"Hey, what time do you want me to pick you up?" he asked me.

"I'll meet you there I'm gonna drive with Bella and Sarah." I said.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight." he said, and kissed and walked off. I looked over at Bella and her jaw had dropped to the floor.

"You okay?" I asked, closing my locker.

"Wait you and him are, and he just?" she mumbled. I realized that I never actually told Bella that me and Luke were dating, but then again I thought it was pretty obvious. I always was leaning against him, and how he put his arms around me. I guess she hadn't really gotten to know me that well but I mean come on I had to have kissed at least once around her. Right?

"Yeah."I said.

"When did you plan on telling me?!" she protested.

"I figured you knew. I did say I was going to homecoming with my boyfriend." I said.

"Well how was I supposed to know that Luke was your boyfriend?" we started walking out of the school, as I explained that he was  always hugging me and stuff and that us being in a relationship was pretty obvious. When we got to my house Sarah was already home. I opened the front door.

"Hey Pal" my dad said from the kitchen.

"Hey dad we're just going to go get ready with Sarah" I yelled back.

"Okay" he said. Me and Bella went up to my room. I called for Sarah and she came in with s much makeup bags I wondered how long this was going to take.

"Okay so how about we start with you." she pointed at Bella. She had a worried look on her face. Sarah sat her down and began. I could tell this was going to tak forever.


A/N: Hey guys I decided that homecoming in one chapter was going to be really really long so I decide next chapter is going to be the whole homecoming. I know you guys are really excited so I'm going to try and update tomorrow.

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