Chapter Forty-Three: Oprah Winfrey?

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I had told Sarah that I would love to to go dress shopping with her. It was now Saturday so we decided to go today because homecoming wasn't too far away. I got up around 11am and hopped in the shower. When I got out I put on black legging and a Pierce the Veil t-shirt. I went out into the living room and waited for Sarah to get ready. After about a half hour she was finally ready.

"Ready to go?" She said

"Yup" I said. I stood up off the couch and followed her to her car. I thought about my dad. I hadn't really talk to him this week. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Sarah said something.

"There's this great dress store in the mall. Do you want to head there first?" I nodded. She started the car and drive us to the mall.

"So how are you doing, I mean with Beth and everything?" she asked

"Okay I guess. Luke is helping me get through it. Also Michael and Calum." She blushed at Calum's name. A shot her a look.

"What?" She said. Trying not make eye contact with me.

"You like Calum!" I exclaimed.

"What? No I don't" she said.

"Yes you do. That's why you broke up with Trevor because you want Calum to ask you to homecoming!"

"Okay I might like him, but it doesn't matter he just think I'm a complete asshole" she sighed

"Don't worry I can help with that, next thing you know he'll be asking you to homecoming"

"Really you would do that for me?!" She asked

"Yeah sure, its the least I could do since your taking me dress shopping" I said. Finally we got to the mall and we walked into a store and I was blinded with the amount of sequence on the dresses.

"Did I ever mention I refuse to wear a dress with sequins on it?" I said, in a small worried tone

"Don't worry not all of them have sequence" she said, trying to reassure me. We started to walk around and I didn't see anything I really liked. When I saw Sarah she had at least five dresses like in her hand. She walked over to me.

"Here" she handed me the dresses.

"Why don't we look for you first and then me" she said and nodded. She pushed me towards the dressing room. When I got into the dressing room and looked at the dresses she picked out for me, and most of them had sequence on them which did not make me very happy. I put the first dress on, it was a peach dress that went down to the floor and had sequence around my waste. I walked out and showed Sarah. I honestly didn't like how the dress for me or the color. She shook her head and I went back into the dressing room.

I then out on a light pink mid-thigh dress with sequence of course. I hated this dress but I tried it on to make Sarah feel better. I walked out and she pretended to gag.

"Why did I even grab that dreadful dress?" She said. I shrugged agreeing that it was atrocious. I walked back into the dressing room and tried on another five dresses, none of them I liked so I decided to have Sarah try on dresses. She walked into the dressing room with about five dresses. She came out with a red, mid-thigh and strapless. I shook my head. Then she tried on a light dress that went down to the ground. It had sequence around her waste. I looked at her for a few minutes and I smiled because it looked great on her.

"That's the one" I said.

"You really think so?" She said. I nodded.


We left the store not finding anything for me. We went to a little store with a couple dresses and prayed we would find something there. We walked around and Sarah grabbed three dresses and I decided to go try them on. So far I wasn't having any luck so I hoped that I would find a dress here. I first put on a mid-thigh purple dress with long sleeves. I came out and she shook her head. I went back into and tried on a teal strapless dress that went down to my feet. I honestly liked this dress a lot. It fit me nicely but we just had to see what Sarah thought. I walked out and her face lit up.

"Tessa it's perfect!" She said.

"Good I'm glad you like it because I love it too" I said. I just hoped Luke liked it.

We went home and I laid in my bed. I was completely tired after today. Right before I fell into a sleep someone had rung the door bell. I let out a moan and got up to go answer it. I opened the door and Calum was standing there.

"Hey Tessa, I was wondering if you could help me with my English report. I have been up hours trying to get it finished but it's just to much."

"Yeah sure lets go on up to my room." I went up the stairs and into my room. Calum sat on my bed.

"I'll be right back" I said. I left the room and went into Sarah's room.

"Hey what's up?" She took our her earphones.

"Guess who's here?" I said

"Oprah Winfrey?" She said

"No...Calum" I had a smirk on my face.

"Tessa what are thinking?" She said in a worries tone. I then ran out of the room. She chased me, I ran into my room. She ran in after me. She stopped when she saw Calum.

"Hi Sarah" he said

"Oh um hi Calum" she gulped "I'll just try an murder Tessa when you guys are done" she said waking out of the room.

"What was that about?" He asked me

"Nothing." I said. I sat next to him on the bed as he took out his books from his bag. I started researching he topic on my laptop. When Calum started to talk.

"Hey so there's this girl that I wanted to ask to homecoming but I don't think she'll say yes and your a girl so what should I do?" He asked

"Well who is this girl and then I can try and help you?"

"Well um its...Sarah" I immediately got excited.

"Ask her then!" I said

"Really you think she'll say yes?" He sis shocked at my words.

"Definately" I said, trying to calm down.

"Okay then I'll ask her on Monday" he said. We continued the report and when we finished Calum left. I laid in my bed and dozed off. I was happy for Sarah though I could tell that she liked Calum.


A/N: Hey guys big shocker that Sarah likes Calum, and that he likes her back! I have so much planned for the next couple of chapter so be prepaired. Also thank you so much for 13k that means so much to me!!!! Luv ya guys.


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