Chapter Eight: What if we go Pig Wrestling or something.

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I woke up the next morning, not entirely upset that I'm going on a date with Luke. I put my hair in a side braid and wear a shirt that says "Who cares?" and ripped jeans. I eat breakfast by myself and walk to school. I was hoping Luke wasn't at my locker but of course he was.

"Morning Tessie."

"Morning pain in the ass."

"Aren't you just excited for tonight."

"No not really because I was basically forced to say yes."

"But you won't regret it."

"Whatever" I said closing my locker. He followed behind me.

"Where are we going by the way?" I stopped walking.

"You'll just have to wait and see." without saying anything else I walked away. I walked into homeroom and I next to Beth.

"So how's Michael?" I winked

"Ha ha very funny" she said with a fake smile

"Well he practically drooled over you so I just figured he had already asked you out."

"I thought he liked you?"

"I think we are more friends."

"Well no he didn't ask me out yet but I wish he would"

"Give it a day." I said laughing. I could smell her perfume, it was like a tropical fruit. That meant that she was trying to impress Michael. I've known Beth since we were really little and she has only worn this perfume on one other occasion, and that was when I had my hot cousin over for Thanksgiving, and she wanted to make a good impression, but we were kids then I could tell she really liked Michael. She deserved to be happy with someone. She snapped me out of my thoughts.

"So what are you doing tonight I was wondering if you wanted to come by my place?"

"Um...I can't I have a lot of homework." I said nervously.

"Tessa O'Connell what are hiding from me?"

"What? Nothing." I said with a squeak in my voice, and I then realized that I had just screwed myself.

"Tell me." She said, putting her hand on her hip.

"Okay fine so Luke was came over yesterday to see how I was feeling after I got hit in the face with a ball and then he wouldn't leave unless I went on a date with him so tonight I'm forced to go on a date with him." I let out a sigh

"You're going on a date with-" I covered her mouth before she could say his name

"Yeah the whole school doesn't have to know though." I uncovered her mouth and she had a big smile on my face, basically congratulating me.

"Oh my God, I'm going to come over and help you with your outfit."

"Beth I really don't care about the date."

"Well I do, so you have to look at least decent."

"Ugh" I said putting my head down. The bell rang and I walked with Beth to chemistry and I sat next to Michael and Beth sat in front of us.

"Hey why are you being an idiot." I said to Michael.

"What?" he was completely oblivious to that Beth wanted him to ask her out.

"Why haven't you asked out Beth yet?" I whispered to him so she couldn't hear us.

"I don't know I didn't think she really liked me, does she?"

"Yes you idiot" I said hitting the back of his head.

"Okay I'll ask her out after school."

"Good." I sat through the class not really paying attention to the lesson. The bell rang and got through the day really fast, which meant I had to finally go on my date with Luke. Me and Beth walked to my house together.

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