Chapter Fourteen: The Cut On My Lip Hurts like Bitch too.

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I woke to see blood all over me. The car was tipped over. I looked over to where Beth was sitting, she had a huge gash across her head.  I had a gash across my stomach where a piece of metal had cut me. I didn't hear sirens which worried me. Glass was spayed across the car.

"Help!" I yelled. The car was closing in on us. "Help!" I yelled out again. No one came after a while I just l laid there not knowing if Beth was alive or not. Then the trunk opened to reveal three paramedics.aid

"Hold on." One of the men said. They pulled me and Beth out of the car and put us in separate ambulances. Doctors hovering over me and a bright light in my face. I blacked out again not knowing if I would wake up again.

I woke up suddenly sitting strait up.

"Beth!" I yelled out. Pain shot through my body. Maria sat in a chair next to my hospital bed.

"Tessa lay back sweet heart." She said. I listened to her instructions.

"What happened?"

"You were in a car accident." she said.

"Where's Beth, is she alright?"

"I don't know right now." she said. I faintly touched my stomach and saw I had white rap, around my whole stomach, blood was noticeable through the band-aid.

"Where's my dad?" I coughed.

"He stuck at work but he'll try and get here as soon as possible."

"Why am I not surprise." I looked down at my wounds. My dad's job had started taking over his whole life but I was grateful for Maria, even sometimes she can be a pain in the ass.

"Thank you." I said

"For what?" she asked me.

"For being here."

"You are basically my daughter I will always be here." She rubbed the small cut on my head. "I'm going to go get you something to drink." she said, standing up.

"Okay." I said. She walked out of the room and I closed my eyes, hoping the pain would stop. I let out a small moan. Then I heard a knock at the door. It was Michael.

"Hey" I said with a slight smile on my face.

"Hey I heard you had waken up to I came to see you."

"You came fast." I giggled

"I was here seeing Beth as well." he sat down in the chair Maria was sitting in before.

"How is she?" I gulped afraid to here the worst possible news.

"Fine just a head wound , the doctors said she can go home in two days are so."

"Oh thank god." I let out a sigh of relief. I moaned because it hurts to breath.

"How are you?" Michael asked me.

"Honestly I feel like shit. It hurts to even breath, but I'll live." I slightly smiled.

"You know Beth feels awful."

"Why it wasn't her fault." I said abruptly

"She doesn't think that though, she thinks that she should have seen the truck."

"We had the right of way."

"I know but she still blames herself."

"I'll talk to her about." I tried to sit up but it hurt to much. Maria came back into the room with a bottle of water, and handed it to me.

"Hi I'm Maria,Tessa's mo-...step mom." she shook hands with Michael.

"Nice to meet you." He said "I'll leave you two alone, I'll talk to you later Tessa."

"Bye." I waved goodbye. Maria sat back into the chair and gave me a look I couldn't understand.

"What?" I giggled.

"He's not the first boy that has come to visit you, but he's the has definitely the strangest hair." She laughed.

"What do you mean he's not the first boy to visit?"

"Um there was a tall guy I think he said his name was Luke and then a another boy...Calum was his name." she said.

"Oh." I bit my lip. I didn't mind the fact that Calum visited but I mean I basically told Luke to go fuck himself why did he care?

"You should get some rest."Maria said

"Okay I'll try at least." I leaned the bed back and closed my eyes.

I woke up an hour later. Maria was still sitting in the chair.

"Hey can I go see Beth?" I asked her.

"Okay let me ask the doctor for a wheel chair." she walked out of the room and came back with a wheel chair five minutes later. I lifted myself even though it hurt like hell. I put my broken leg over the side over the bed and basically jumped into the chair. I turned the wheels to make me go forward.

I walked into the room, Beth was turned the opposite direction, probably playing her phone or sleeping.

"Beth?" I said. She turned around and then turned back to not face me.

"Hey." she mumbled

"Beth can you please look at me."

"I can't look at what I did to my best friend so no I can't look at you." she said.

"Beth it wasn't you fault, we had the right of-" she interrupted me.

"Right of way yeah I know Michael has said it to me like a million times, but I can't get over the fact that you could have died."

"Beth for gods sake look at me!" I snapped. She listened to me. "The important thing is that I didn't."

"Look at you Tessa you have nearly I fifty stitches on you body!"

"And Beth look at you, you have a head wound and a concussion, Beth I forgive you why cant you forgive yourself?"

"I don't know!" she began to cry. I stood up and walked towards her.

"Tessa you need to stay sitting." I didn't answer her and began to walk towards her. I laid in bed next to her, not saying anything.

"Don't ever blame yourself, when you know you didn't do anything wrong." I said. She nodded her head.

"Tessa can I see you cut?" she asked


"I want to see how bad I-...that man hurt you." She snuffled. I began to unwrap the bandages on my stomach. It revealed a large cut that started under my right breast and than continued to under my arm.

"Oh my god Tessa, does it hurt." she gulped

"Like hell,and this cut on my lip hurts like a bitch too." We laughed. I don't think Beth fully forgave herself for the accident.

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