Chapter Fourty Two: Nothing Just I just Love your Bed Head

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I woke up on my own, and I was facing Luke. He was in a dead sleep. I couldn't help but laugh at him. He let out a moan, and pulled the blanket over his head.

"I guess you do talk about me when you sleep." I joked. He pulled the co we forms off his head and stares at me.

"You sure?" he said.

"Yup I heard you say my name at least eight time while you were sleeping." I said. His whole face went red. ''I'm kidding" I laughed.

"You're hilarious." he said sarcastically. "I also had a lot of fun last night." he said

"Me too, you're brothers are funny too." I said.

"Yeah try living with them." he sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. I let out a small giggle. He shot me a strange look. "What could you possibly be laughing at?" he asked me.

"Nothing, just I just love your bed head." I laughed.

"Oh do you?" he said, in a deep voice and slid closer to me. I laughed as kissed me. I then ran my fingers his hair. He kissed me again even harder. I leaned back on the bed. He was hovering over me. He smiled at me and kissed me again, then slid down towards my neck.

"Luke", I can't" I said. He stopped for a second.

"Why not?" he asked

"Because your family is down the hall." I said.

"Oh please, they'll get over it." he said, kissing me again. I laughed

"Come on'' I said. He let out a sigh and laid back next to me.

"You owe me then." he said.

"I don't owe you anything, remember last night?" I said. He gave me pouty look. I sat up. "I should really go, my parents are probably wondering where I am." I said. he let out a sigh.

"Fine, I'll see you tomorrow?" he said

"Yeah." I pecked him on the lips and got up . I was still wearing the same cloths I was yesterday. I grabbed my keys off of his desk and walked out of the room. I tip- toed down the hall making sure I didn't wake anyone. I had made it to the front door, and made my way to my car. I drove my self home. Now here was the hard part. I had to either sneak into my room, or I had to explain to my dad why I hadn't come home last night. I opened the front door and went up the stairs.

"Tessa?" Maria said. She came out of the kitchen. "Oh we were so worried about you." she said. I walked up the stairs.

"I'm fine, I just fell asleep." I said

"Well you should call next time." she said.

"Sorry." I said.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." she said. I walked into the kitchen and my dad sat at the table.

"Why didn't tell me you were going to Luke's?" he asked, not even looking at me.

"I thought Sarah told you?" I said.

"She did but we didn't expect you to stay the night. Honestly I didn't know what you could have done with the whole thing with Beth." he was now standing up and facing me.

"Wait, you think I would have gone and done what exactly?" I snapped

"I don't know Tessa." he said.

"Say what you're thinking. Say you thought I would go kill myself!" I yelled.

"Tessa, your going through a tough time right now. It wouldn't be a surprise." he said.

"I can't believe you! I'm not suicidal!" I stormed out of the room, and into my bedroom, where I slammed the door shut. I laid on my bed. I couldn't cry I was to angry. How could he possibly think I would do that. Then I remembered that morning when Luke came and I was sitting on the chair on my balcony. I thought about jumping. The hight probably wouldn't kill me but the point is that I would have tried. I was never going to do it thought. That's not what Beth would have wanted.


It was now Monday and I was still furious with my dad. I got dressed for school and went into the kitchen. I saw my dad sitting at the table in his normal seat. I paid no attention to him.

"Morning." he said. He tried to act like yesterday never even happened. I ignored him and continued to fix myself up some breakfast. ''Come on pal. I know we argued yesterday, but come on what did you want me to say?" he said. I dropped what I was doing, and turned around. I was going to say something, but I stopped.

"I'm going to school." I said. I walked out of the room, grabbed my back and started to walk to school. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around, thinking it was Michael, but it was Sarah.

"Hey." I snapped.

"Don't get snappy with me I'm not the one you're mad at." she said.

"Sorry. Thanks for telling my dad by the way." I said, in a calmer tone.

"No problem." we walked a few feet. When she said something else. "Hey are you going to homecoming?" she asked me.

"I don't know I'm not really into the whole, getting dressed up thing" I said.

"Oh well if you are going to go, I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping for dresses...together?" she said. I was taken back a bit that she asked me. I mea she would usually go with her bitchy friends. I guess Sarah was really trying to be my sister instead of my enemy.

"Um, if I do choose to I would love to go." I said. She smiled.

"Great!" she said. We got to the school and we went our seperate ways. I got to my locker and thought about if I was going to go to homecoming. I hadn't even thought about it. It was only a a week away, so I had to decide quick. Luke hadn't even asked me yet so I doubt he's going. Speeking of Luke he had walked up.

"Hey" he said, leaning against the locker next to mine.

"What's up?" I said.

"Nothing.So who are you going with to get your dress?" he said. I looked at him with confused look on my face.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well girls usually go to get there homecoming dresses with another girl, so I was asking who you were going to with?" he said.

"How are you so sure I am even going to homecoming?" I said.

"Well I figured since your my girlfriend and I'm going you would be my date. Come on Tessie you have to keep up." he said.

"Well how am I supposed to know you're going to homecoming.?" I said. He shrugged his shoulders, and I rolled my eyes.

"So you never answered my question." he said.

"Um, Sarah actually asked me this morning, so I think I'm gonna go with her." I said.

''Okay cool." The bell rang. "I got to go." he said, He kissed me and and ran off. The whole day I thought about homecoming. I then thought to myself. I was going to homecoming with Luke Hemmings. My boyfriend Luke Hemmings!

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