Chapter Forty-Nine: Nice Hair Clifford.

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*Three months later.

Its been three months since me and Luke broke up. I graduated and now I'm going to a great college with a full scolarship. My life has been prettty good besides the fact that I wasn't with Luke anymore. I talk to Michael and Calum still. Bella and I are extremely close and we try and call each other every other day. This week I am heading back home to see my family, but I am also going to go to a party Michael is having at his place. I am extremely excited to see them all.

I got into the cab and drove off to the airport. I was going to school in London so I had to fly home. I got onto the plane and got situated, and soon fell asleep.


I woke up to the wheels of the plane hitting the ground. I grabbed my luggage and got of the plane. I went through secruity, and grabbed a cab to home. I was a bit nervous to see my family, since I hadn't seen them for three months. I got to the house and payed the cab driver, and got out. I walked up to the front door and stood there frozen for a few minutes. I was also nervous to see Sarah becuase the last this I said to her was that I hated her so that wasn't the best goodbye. I prepared myself for the worst and then opened the door. I made my way up the stairs and into the living room. I heard someone walking behind me.

"Oh Tessa we missed you much." Maria walked up to me and hugged me tight.

"I missed you too." she let me go and I went and gave my dad a hug. "Hey dad I missed you" I said.

"You too pal" he said.

"Okay well dinner is almost ready so go put your stuff in your room." Maria said. I walked into my room, and placed my stuff on the floor. My room wast basically empty besides a bed and a some of the furniture. I went back into the kitchen and my parents and Sarah sat at the table. I didn't make eye contact with her, and just sat next to my dad.

"So how is school so far?" my dad asked.

"Good...I was walking in town and saw this beautiful off white acoustic guitar and I was going to get it but it was so expensive so I'm gonna save up and by it myself." I said.

"That's nice honey" Maria said. "Did you meet any friends?"

"Um no not really, I've just really kept to myself." I said. I could tell Sarah was looking at me as I stabbed my fork into my chicken. I looked up and she quickly looked back at her food. I soon finished my meal and I decided to go in my room and up pack some of my clothes for the week, when I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" I said. I turned around and Sarah was standing at the doorway.

"Hi" I said awkwardly.

"Hey, um can we talk?" she asked.

"There's nothing to talk about. I told you Sarah I'm done with you." I said.

"Tessa I know you're mad at me but I wanted to let you I'm so sorry that I hurt you. I didn't know what I was doing that night. I was completely drunk, and stupid." she said.

"Some day I might be able to forgive you but for right now I can't." I said, and she nodded, and turned and walked out of the room. I laid on my bed just thinking of what my life would have been like if I was still with Luke. I soon fell asleep.


Today was the day of Michael's party, and I was a bit nervous. I still wasn't ready to see Luke, but I really wanted to see Michael and Bella so I decided to suck it up and just went. I wore a white crop top with black stripes and black ripped jeans. The party was starting at 8:00 pm and it was only 7:00 so I had time to spare.

I went into the living room and sat on the couch next to my dad. He stared at me as I watched TV.

''What?" I asked him.

"I'm just so happy to call you my daughter." he said.

"And I'm happy to call you my dad." I said. We sat for about five minutes when he started talking again.

"When are you going to forgive Sarah for what she did?" he asked.

"I don't know. Dad she did this to me twice, that's hard to get over." I said. I looked down at my phone and it was already 8:00 so I had to leave.

"I'll talk you later." I said.

"Me and Maria are going out tonight so we might not be home." he said to me as I walked down the stairs.

"Okay" I yelled back. I walked on the sidewalk to Michael's front door. I knew I was the only one there which meant I could talk to Michael alone for a few minutes. I knocked on the door. I heard voices and then the door opened revealing Michael. His hair was no longer green it was now red.

"Nice hair, Clifford." I said. He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug.

"You seriously have to come visit more often." he said. I followed him into the house.

"So how's college?" he asked me.

"Good, boring of course." I said. I sat down on the couch with him.

''You do know that Luke is going to be here tonight?" he said, in a worried tone.

"That doesn't matter I miss my friends and I'm going to have a good time." I said, trying to keep a smile on my face.

Eventually people started showing up and before I knew it the party was intense. The whole house was filled with people. I looked for Bella in the comotion but I found someone I didn't want to find.


A/N: Hey guys so what do you think is going to happen at this party tonight.I'm extremely excited for the next few chapter. I hope you guys will like them too. Luv ya guys!!!!

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