Chapter Ten: Or Maybe She's Just Interested in Dust.

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I walked to my locker, and got my stuff for the day and walked to homeroom. Beth sat there staring into space, or maybe she's just interested in dust, either way she wasn't paying attention to anything else that was going on around her.

"Earth to Beth" I snapped in her face.

"Oh sorry just in my own world for a second."

"I can see that, what are you thinking about?"

"My date with Michael, it was great."

"What did you guys do?"

"We went rollerskating and might have spray painted Ms. Wex's car."

"You what?!" I yelled

"Oh please she'll get over it."

"Remember my dad is a cop."

"Go ahead tell on me." she said sarcastically.

"So the date was fun." I said trying to change the subject.

"It was, I hope we go out again."

"Well I'm happy you went on a date with someone you actually like because I was forced to go on my date."

"Yeah but you still had fun."

"I guess so." With that the bell rang and I walked to Chemistry with Beth. She sat next to Michael and I sat in front of the two of them. In the middle of class I heard Michael whisper my name.

"Tessa." I turned around.


"How was your date with Luke?"

"How many people did he tell?"

"Well as far as I know just me, Calum, and Ashton." I just rolled my eyes.

"Well if you have to know I didn't have a horrible time, and that's all I'm saying."

"Ms. O'Connell would you like to tell the class why you were turned around?" the teacher snapped.

"I would prefer if I didn't tell the class."

"Then stop talking."

"Come on I rarely talk in this class give me a break." Once realized what I said I regretted it.

"Well you can take a break in detention."

"Ugh" I said putting my head down on my desk. The bell rang and I walked with Beth and Michael.

"Nice going in class today." Michael laughed

"She'll get over it. It's not my first detention with her anyway."

"Yeah she's not really well behaved." Beth told Michael. I suddenly felt some hot liquid pored over my head. I turned around to see who was the cause of this. I wasn't surprised to see Sarah.

"What the hell Sarah!" I yelled

"You just couldn't back off Luke could you."

"What are you-" I stopped knowing now what she was talking about.

"It's not my fault he's not into royal bitches" I said ringing the coffee out of my hair. She gave me and evil stare.  Michael stepped in front of me.

"Sarah you should leave."

"Michael I can take care of my dear step sister." a group kids circled around us. "What did I ever do to you?" I asked.

"I told you I liked Luke, and you went and took him."

"I didn't take him, I didn't even want to have anything to do with him!"

"Then why did you go out with him!"

"I went out with him because he was in my room and wouldn't get out, for Christ sake I'm not as heartless you think I am."

"So your saying that if he hadn't forced you basically you wouldn't even think of going out with him?"

"Yes I never wanted to anything with Luke, happy I said it now."

" The happiest I could ever be." she had an evil smirk on her face, and then looked over my shoulder. I turned around to see what she was looking at. It was Luke standing there clenching his jaw.

"I get it now Tessa it was a mistake going out with you." he said walking off. I turned back towards Sarah.

"You know just because you don't get what you want doesn't mean you have to ruin others people's lives." and that whipped the smirk of her face. I ran after Luke.

"Luke wait!" I said. I eventually caught up him.

"You know I thought we had fun together" He said angrily.

"I did but I've told you this before, it was a one time thing."

"That's what I thought at first, then the way you looked at me I just figured...I get it, I'll just leave you alone." He walked away, leaving me stranding there. I walked over to Beth and Michael.

"Let's just go class." I said.

"Why don't we got get you cleaned up." Beth

"I'll be fine." I said, continuing to walk. I walked into the classroom, my hair still dripping from the coffee.

I went through the day without really talking to anyone. I ran into my room and slammed the door shut. I jumped into the shower to rinse out the coffee from my hair. I put on some sweat-pants and and an oversized t-shit, and I laid in my bed. My phone rang, I saw it was Beth so I picked up.

"Hey." she said.

"Hey" I said ,trying to sound happy.

"Are you okay?" she said sympathetically

"Yeah I just need to not see anyone right now."

"Alright I'll talk to you later then."

"Okay thanks, bye"

"Bye" I hung up the phone and watched TV for a while. Then my door opened, it was my dad.

"Hey pal, what's up?"

"Nothing." I said without looking at him.

"Listen you and Sarah will work it out."

"Are you serious, you honestly think I would forgive her, she just takes anything I love and crushes it. You married and idiot." I said laying back down

"Hey now you listen I love Maria and you and Sarah need to except that."

"Dad I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way."

"I know what you meant and it's okay." he said walking out.

My phone rang again this time it was Luke.

"What you call to give me a lecture-" he stopped me.

"Tessa come outside." he said hanging up the phone. I got up from my bed and walked down the stairs and opened the front door.

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