Chapter Thirty-Four: Blue is my New Favorite Color.

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The week had gone by fast and it was now Saturday morning. My aunts wedding was today I had to get an early start because I had to be at the hotel by noon to help my aunt get ready. I got up to take a shower and then grabbed my dress, shoes, jewelry etc. I drove with Beth because my aunt had known Beth so she invited her. Beth picked me up and we drove in Stacey all they way to a very fancy hotel.

"So did you invite Michael?" I asked her.

"Yeah but I'm not sure if he's coming you know him not really into the whole suit thing."

"I don't think its a big deal if he doesn't come."

"Yeah." she just kept looking at the road, pretending that nothing was bothering her.

We ended up at the hotel, and went to the room where all the bride's maids, and my aunt were getting ready. I knocked on the door and someone on the other side called for us to come in. I wasn't even in the door entirely when my aunt came and squeezed me hard.

"Aunt Marry I'm having trouble breathing." I said, gasping for air. My aunt marry wasn't a large woman but she was strong. She was only a couple inches taller than me and she had long blonde hair.

"Oh it's so good to see you." she said.

"It's good to see you too." I said.

"Hello Beth." she said waving to Beth and having a perky smile on her face. She was completely static that today was her wedding day she could barely sit still as she got her makeup done.

"So I hear you are bringing a plus one." my aunt nudged my arm with her elbow.

"Yeah my boyfriend Luke." I said to. Her face lit up and she jumped for joy. She always fantasized that I would get a boyfriend after Trevor but I never thought it was going to happen.

"I knew you would find someone after that no good, back stabber, old, ugly, annoying, punk ass ex-boyfriend of yours." she said all that with a smile on her face.

"Yeah I'll introduce you when I see him." I said. She nodded and proceeded to get hair her done. Finally the bathroom was empty so I could finally do my hair and get dressed. I slipped into my dress, and it fit me perfectly, expressing the only curves I had. I then curled my hair into long curls. I then put on eyeliner and mascara. My aunt told everyone had to had sparkly eyeliner as well so I had small sparkles around my eyes. I then put on a darker red lipstick. Then as a finishing touch diamond studs. When I got out of the bathroom I put on my black lace heals and the went to where my aunt was. She was turned around talking to the hair dresser.

"How do I look?" I asked. She turned around and stared at me with large eyes.

"You look beautiful." her eyes started to tear up.

"What's wrong?" I asked her sincerely.

"You look just like your mom." she said. One tear escaped from her eye. I went over to her and hugged her. She was my mom's sister. When my mom died she was always there for me and now I realized that her sister would not be here for her own wedding, and it broke my heart.

"Come on we got to get you to your wedding." I said to her. She giggled and nodded. Once everyone was ready we went down stairs into the he lobby. I texted Luke telling him to meat us there. Me and Beth drove to the church about fifteen minutes away. I looked at Beth as drove.

"You look great." Beth said. She was wearing a red strapless dress that went down to the middle of her thigh. She continued to look at the road as she talked to me.

"Thanks you look good too." she said. We got to the church right behind the limo, that was carrying all the bride's maids. Beth and I parked the car and walked to the church. I walked in and most of the people were there. I looked for Luke immediately. I couldn't seem to find him. Then I looked in front of me and he was standing right there. He hadn't seen me yet so I walked over to him. I stood there in front of him and our eyes met. His jaw dropped when he saw my dress. I laughed at his reaction.

"Blue is my new favorite color." he said.

"I'm guessing you like my dress." I giggled.

"No, I like the dress on you." he emphasized the two last words. Then the piano player started playing music so we sat down. Beth sat to my left and Luke to my right. My soon-to-be-uncle stood at the alter. The doors opened and two a little girl throwing rose petals on the ground and a a boy around the same age holding a pillow with a ring on it. Then groups of two walked down the isle. Then finally my aunt came down the isle, arm and arm with my grandpa. She wore a mermaid style white dress with a long vale with sequence going down it. Her dress shaped her perfectly. She was stunning. Owen, the groom looked at her with a big smile on his face. When she got there they said the normal stuff and than their written vows.


We got to the reception and me, Beth, and Luke sat at one table with one other cousin of mine, but there was one seat that was empty.

"Did I mention you look extremely stunning in that dress?" Luke said

"Yes Luke, multiple times." I giggled.

"Just making sure." he said. We ordered our food. We had a choose of fish or steak and all three of us choose steak. I finally had drinking so much water I had to go to the bathroom. I got up and went down the hall t where I saw a sign that said ''restrooms".

When I arrived at the the table the empty seat had been filled with a boy, that I could not see his face because he was facing the opposite direction. I sat back down next to Luke. I sat there admiring the the way the table was set. Purple accents in the center piece was my favorite part. Finally our food came and we started to eat. The mystery boy turned around and I could now see who it was. I basically choked on my food, because I was shocked to see who it was. I couched.

"Are you okay Tessie?" Luke asked me. I could now fully breathe.

"Yeah." My eyes met with the boy sitting across from me.

"Oh hey Tessa, right?" he said.

"Um yeah... Zach?" he nodded. Luke shot me a confused look.

"What are you doing here?" Zach asked me.

"That's my aunt." I pointed to where my aunt Marry sat.

"Oh wow that's my uncle." he pointed to Owen. Now the boy the basically tackled me is now part of my family?

"Wait so we're like related now?" I said

"I guess so." he said. "Oh and sorry for the other day." he said. Now Luke looked completely out of the loop, it was time to explain everything to him.

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