Chapter Thirty-Eight: She Would Fall in Love with him all over Again.

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I woke up and got into the shower. When I got out I let my hair air dry, while I picked out what I was wearing. I choose a long sleeve shirt that said "Avenge Sevenfold." and light grey jeggings. I then went in my bathroom and put on my makeup. Finally I put on maroon boots. I went into the kitchen, where I saw Sarah sitting at the table, along with my dad.

"Morning." I said. I put some toast in the toaster.

"Hey I'm working late tonight." my dad said.

"Okay." I said.I grabbed plate from the cabinet when heard the house phone ring. I walked to where it was sitting, on the counter.

"Hello?" I said. My face went blank and I dropped the glass on the ground where it shattered. I just stood there with the phone my ear. My dad got up in surprise.

"Tessa what's wrong?!" he said. I couldn't explain it to him. I had to leave. I quickly grabbed his keys off the table and sprinted out of the house. I got into the car and raced out of the driveway. I drove over to Beth's house and cops surrounded it, and going in and out. I got out of my car and ran under the yellow tape.

"Beth!" I yelled out. One police officer stopped me, and held me. He was friend with my dad.

"Tessa you can't go in there." he held me back and I struggled to get out of his grip. I had to see if she was okay, she had to be okay. Then suddenly parmetics carried out a black bag, the size of a peson, on a strecther. I was now hestarically crying.

"Beth!" I finally got out of the mans grip and ran towards the stretcher. I got there and slowed to a stop. No one said anything to me as I unzipped the bag. There she laid there, her eyes shut and a pail face. My legs felt week and I fell to the ground.

"No this has to be a dream." I repeated in my head, praying I would wake up. They zipped it back up and put her in a truck. A police officer came up to me and picked me up off the concrete driveway. She was gone, and I didn't know what happened. I couldn't hear anything but myself crying. The last things I said to her were awful and I couldn't take them back now. A car pulled up...Michael's car, and I couldn't look in that direction. He got out and had the same look on his face I did when I first showed up. He looked at me , and he knew right away what had happened. He slowly walked over to me with tears in his eyes.

"Michael I'm sorry, I-" I couldn't continue. I walked over to him, and hugged him. I cried into his shoulder. He held me to his chest. I could tell he was trying to hold back his tears for my sake, but eventually they slipped down his face. A police officer approached us.

"I'm sorry." he said.

"What happened?" Michael said, still holding me.

"Someone broke into the house, not knowing Beth was home. She managed to take off his mask, and he couldn't risk being identified so..." he finished. Michael nodded, and the officer walked away.

"Let me take you home." Michael said. I didn't respond and he took me to his car. I got into the back seat and laid down. He drove me home and walked me inside. Me parents stood there pacing the floor.

"Tessa what happened, where did you go?" Maria asked.

"I went to Beth's house." I said, looking at the ground.

"Why?" she responded. I looked up at her.

"I couldn't help her, I couldn't save her." I cried. My dad sat me on the couch, as he talked to Michael in the kitchen. He explained to them what happened, and I heard it all.

She was best friend, and now she was just gone. I didn't say goodbye. I looked back at the things I said to her the day before, and how I treated her. I couldn't apologize or give her hug ever again, because she was gone.

Someone rang the door bell and my dad went and opened the door.

"Morning Mr. O'Connell is Tessa here I was wondering if I could give her a lift to school?" It was Luke.

"Um she's laying on the couch." he said. They both came up the stairs. Right before he got to the living room, he had seen Michael in my kitchen.

"Michael what are you doing here?" he said. Michael turned around revealing that he had been crying.

"What's going on?" Luke said, now completely worried. He finally came into the living room. I didn't look at him. I just laid there.

"Tessie" he said sympathetically. I didn't reply. My parents had told him what had happened to Beth. He sat next to me.

"Tessie." he repeated. I sat up and put my head on his shoulder, without saying anything. He held me close to his body. All I could think of was her laugh, and smile, and how she always wanted to be independent, and most of all she wanted to be with Michael forever. She loved him more than anything in the world, she got her fairy-tale dance with him, and she got to be reckless with him. If she could she would fall in love with him all over again.

Eventually Michael, and Luke left so that I could be alone. I went in my room, and I laid on my bed, not doing anything. I closed my eyes eventually and hoped I thought of beautiful thoughts of Beth.


A/N: I know you guys hate me right now I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cried while writing this chapter. I don't know why I did this to myself and you guys. This is just the begining. You are really going to hate me soon and then you will love me again I swear. Luv ya guys!!!!!


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