Chapter Thirty-Six: Well...Um...I think I have to Move to Africa Now

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I woke up and Luke's arm was strung across my waste, and I faced him. I blew in his face to get him to wake up. He just let out a groan. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Luke wake up." I said. He just ignored me and continued to sleep. I kissed him, and when I tried pull away he placed his hand behind my head and kissed me back. I loved the way his lip ring felt on my lip.

"That woke you up." I said. He nodded. His blue eyes stared into mine.

"Did I ever mention that green eyes are sexy...but only on you?" he said. I giggled.

"Well did I ever mention that blue eyes are sexy...but only on you?" I said. he smiled at me.

"What do you want to do?" I asked him.

"I don't know but, I should probably get out of here before your dad wakes up, and my parents are going to kill me for not coming home last night." he said.

"Okay." I gave him a fake frown. Then I heard a knock at the door. Luke instantly got up and ran to the bathroom. I got up and opened the door. It was Sarah.

"Hey...Um why are you still in your dress from last night?" she asked me

"Oh I was too lazy to get dressed out of it. You were saying?" I said.

"Oh um breakfast is ready." she said.

"Okay I'll be right there." I closed the door without her saying anything else. I went into the bathroom and Luke was laying in the shower.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"I was waiting for for her to leave." he said. He got up and got out off the shower.

"I should really climb of your balcony now.'' he said. Before I could say anything he stared at something behind me. I turned around and saw Sarah standing there.

"Don't tell my dad." I immediately.

"And why shouldn't I?" she said

"Because you'll be a good person?" I said, not sure if I could persuade her.

"Not very convincing." she said.This was probably the definition of the worst sister ever. If you looked up worst sister in the dictionary her picture would be there. I couldn't believe that should would rat me out so easily.

"Dad probably knows he's here." I spat out.

"And how would he know that?" she said.

"Because his car is in the driveway." I said. I could tell Luke tensed up behind me. It wasn't good that he feared my dad so much, but the man was very intimidating. He had a gun for Christ sake.

"So you won't mind going in there with Luke?" she said. I was ready to tackle her to the floor.

"No, I don't mind." I turned back towards Luke and he was shaking his head at me. "You'll be fine." I whispered to him. I honestly don't know what my dad would do to him if he found out I slept in the same bed as him. I grabbed Luke's hand and walked with him out of the room. He stopped as soon as we got close to the entrance of the kitchen.

"I really don't want to die Tessie, I haven't done so much things in life." he said.

"My dad is not going to murder you, just say her slept on the ground, or something." he shook his head viciously. I finally left him there and walked into the kitchen.

"Morning." I tried to hide that I was a bit nervous.

"Morning." my dad said. He stood at the coffee pot waiting for his coffee to be done.

"Can you make me a cup too?" I asked.

"Yeah does Luke want one too, when he comes out from behind the wall." he said. My heart dropped. My dad honestly had super hearing. I looked at him.

"Don't worry, as long as he slept on the floor I'm fine with him staying one night." he said. With that Luke's head popped out and had a innocent smile on his face.

"Hey Mr. O'Connell." he said.

"Morning" he held out a cup for him to grab. He took it, and sat the table.

"I'm going to say this to you Luke. I honestly like you way better than that kid Trevor, and when I first met you I was a little harsh on you so I'm letting you have a break." he said. Luke let out a sigh of relief.

"And?" I said to my dad.

"I promise not to use my gun on you." he said. He turned back towards the stove and Luke winked at me in the split second he was turned around. Luke, me and my dad sat down and drank some coffee. Eventually Luke had to get home before his parents killed him. I walked to my room, and got changed out of the dress I was wearing the night before. I then went outside on my balcony to get some fresh air. I looked to me right to see if I could see if Michael was home. His blinds were shut . I went back in my room and grabbed my phone. I texted Michael.

Me: Open your blinds, and look outside. About a minute later he texted back.

Michael: Okay? He opened up his blinds and saw me standing there. His hair was completely messed up from sleeping. I then saw someone else pop there head up but wasn't facing the window. It was Beth! But the shocking thing is that she didn't have a top on, just her plain braw on. My jaw dropped. Michael turned around to see what I looking at. Once he saw her he instantly shut the blinds. I ran back inside, trying to get the picture of them...doing it. It gave me the chills. I had to call Beth though. She answered.

"Oh hey Tessa." she said. I didn't think she realized that I saw her at Michael's.

"Hey what are you doing right now?" I asked her.

"Um... I'm just chilling in my room." she said.

"LIES!" I yelled out.

"What do you mean?" she said nervously.

"I just saw Michael's window." I said.

"I'm sorry." I heard Michael said in the background.

"How much did you see?" she said.

"I saw you with your top off, witch was enough for me." I slightly giggled. She didn't say anything back.

" think I have to move to Africa now." she finally said

"Beth I honestly didn't think you were there and you guys know it might be best if you did move to Africa." I said. We both laughed.

"I should go." she said.

"Okay I'll see you in school." I said.

"Yeah, maybe." she said. I hung up the phone. and laid and watched TV. For the rest of the day I went back and forth from homework, to sleep, then TV and not always in that order. Throughout the day I still had the memory of seeing Beth in Michael's room, topless. It sent shivers down my spine.


A/N: Thank you guys so much 10k reads thats means so much to me and I don't know where I'd be without you guys. I luv you guysss. Hope you liked this chapter!


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