Chapter Fifty-Six: Niether of which I can cook.

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I woke up the next morning. I had my head on Luke's chest, as he had his arms wrapped around me. I stretched, and looked up at him. He was still sleeping, I laughed a bit as I watched him sleep. He moved around a bit and slowly opened his eyes, and looked down at me. He smiled at me and hugged me. I leaned up and kissed him slightly. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Morning" he said, in a scratchy voice.

"Morning." I said.

"How did you sleep?" he asked me.

"Fine." I sat up and stretched, he sat up with me. Then put his chin on my shoulder, and whispered in my ear.

"You know my whole family is gone." I looked at him as he winked at me.

"What are suggesting?" I said.

"I figured since my big T-shirt is so big on you, might as well take it off." he gave me a smirk.

"You would like that wouldn't you." I said, leaning back on the bed and kissed him. I hovering over. I rolled and he was now hovering over me.

''I don't know I was drunk last." I teased him.

"Well you just going to have to find out." He leaned down and kissed me again, this time more passionately. He let out a grunt and rolled by next to me. He got up from the bed, not even bothering to put his shirt back on. We went into the living room and he went down to the front door. He looked through the small window and opened the door.

"What could you guys possibly want?" Luke complained as Michael and Calum stood at the door. They both looked at him and then saw me, and noticed he was not wearing a shirt. I waved at them slightly.

"You missed band practice yesterday we wanted to see if you were still alive, but I can tell you were doing other...things." Michael said. We all stood there awkwardly.

"Well I guess we'll let you get back to your...stuff." Calum said. They turned around and got in the car pull out. I felt embarrassed that knew what we were doing, or about to do. Luke walked back up the stairs, and hugged my tight. I couldn't;t help but laugh at how annoyed he at his friends suprise arrival.

"Sorry about them." he said to me.

"It's okay." I said.

"You want breakfast?" he asked me.  I nodded and headed to kitchen. I went and sat up on the counter as Luke looked through the cabinets for something to eat.

"You in the mood for either french toaster, or pancakes? Neither of which I can cook.'' he said.

"You got cereal?" I asked. He pulled out a box of Krave. I smiled as he poured me and him a bowl. When we finished eating we went into his room and watched, the Lego Movie. We both acted like were five and decided the best movie ever was the Lego Movie. I don't know what made us come to that conclusion. I leaned my head on his shoulder. I looked at the time and saw it was already 3:00pm. I didn't really worry about getting home. I told my parents that I was staying at Luke's anyway.


The movie was finished and we had nothing to do. Luke had actually fallen asleep. Who knew a boy could sleep so much in one day. I heard my phone vibrate. I grabbed it from the counter and went to see who it was. It was Maria.

Maria: Are you still at Luke's?

Me: Yeah, why do you want me to come home?

Maria: No, just wondering.

Me: Okay. I'll talk to u later.

I turned my phone off and then realized Luke was awake and twirling my hair. I looked up at him. His eye was still black and blue and he still had a small cut on his lip.

"How's your eye" I asked him.

"Hurts a little, but I'll be fine." he said. He stared at me for a few minutes. "So when are you gonna talk to me about your nightmare last night?" he asked me. For some reason I could tell he was going to bring it up.

"I was just back her house with all the cops and stuff and I unzipped the black bag again..." I trailed of, when I thought of it more.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you think of it." he said,

"It's okay." I tried to think of something to take my mind of it. Then it came to me, I turned my body to face Luke.

"Hole your hands out, palm facing up." I told him. He listened to me, and I placed my hands on top of his.

"Oh I love this game." he continued to play the game. He tried to slap my hands but I pulled away quickly. After a couple tries we stitch and I put my hands on top. I slapped his hands only a couple times, and we laughed the whole time. We aslo played other board games, until I looked at the clock and saw it was almost 6:00pm.

"I should really get back home." I said.

"Yeah but before you go, I want to suggest something to you." he said. I looked at him with a curious face.

"Okay?" I said.

"Why don't we..." he trailed off. I could tell he was nervous.

"Luke it's fine just asked me." I said.

"Why don't we move in together." he finally said. I was taken back by the idea but then I started to think about for a minute. I mean I did love Luke, and he was either over at my place or I was at his house. I looked at him as he waited for my answer.

"Yes" I said. He looked shock at my answer.

"Wait. Really?" he said.

"Yeah" I giggled. His face lit up with a smile. He came and hugged me. I fell backwards on the bed.

"Oh now I'm so excited!" he said. I just laughed at his excitement.

"Okay well I have to get home, but we'll talk about this later." I said. I got up from the bed and got my sweatshirt on and headed out his bedroom door.

When I got home, I said hi to Maria and my dad and then made my way down the hall towards my room. I watched TV for a while the next thing I knew it was midnight and I was tired from a long day of hanging out with Luke that I soon fell asleep.

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