Chapter Eleven: I Wonder What it Will be Like to Be an Only Child Again?

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Luke stood there itching the back of his neck. Why was he here?

"What are you doing here, you made it pretty clear you wanted nothing to do with me?"

"See that's where your wrong Tessie, I want everything to do with you. I also wanted to let you know that I have to regrets for the events that are about to happen."

"Okay what are you talking-" before I could finish Luke stepped closer and kissed me, this time I kissed him back. I had no regrets either, this kiss was great and I realized what I just walked right into. We let go. He gave me his usual smirk

"Okay I'm confused, one minute you're telling me you don't want to talk to me and then the next minute you're kissing me."

"I was being an idiot before."

"No you weren't I was, I shouldn't have said those things." he began to laugh.

"What?" I asked

"You kissed me back.". He said with a smile on his face.

"Your an ass." I said smiling as well.

"Well I should go my parents are going to kill me."

"Why?" I said.

"Because I wasn't really supposed to be cleaning my room but I snuck out the window so they either already know I'm gone and aren't calling me to come home, or they have no clue I'm gone."

"So you came over here just to kiss me?"

"Yup." he said

"Well don't expect to happen often."

"Whatever you say Tessie." He said walking back to his car and driving away. Tingles go down my spine as I thought of kissing him. I kissed Luke Hemmings! I thought to myself. Oh god I kissed Luke Hemmings, I did the exact thing I was afraid I would do...fall for him.

I went back up to my room and I opened a book to read. Okay now I'm going insane, 1. I kissed the hottest guy in school 2. I was reading...I must be suffering a really bad head injury. I soon fell asleep, thinking of Luke, Oh God.


I woke up the next morning and to start off I tripped over the coffee table in the living room, then I poured orange juice in my cereal so you could say my day was not going that great, but it could be worse.

I walked into school and Beth stood by locker.

"What's wrong with you?" she said in a disgusted tone.

"Long story let's just say I skipped breakfast so I'm cranky."

"Well don't take it out on me, take it out on um..." with that she grabbed a random kid by the collar.

"...This kid." she said

"Let him go and I won't take it out on you."

"Okay." she said releasing the boy. We walked to homeroom, before we got there I was pulled by the arm into a dark closet. I couldn't see anything. I stood there not moving. Then someone stepped closer to me, I still not knowing who it was just knowing it was a guy based on the size. I kicked the stranger straight in the balls, they let out a moan. I turned on my phone flash light to reveal who it was.

"Luke you little bitch!" I yelled out. He was still bent over in pain.

"I wanted to see your reaction, I didn't think you would kick me in my jewels." he moaned.

"Oh well how am I supposed to know if your a rapist or not."

"I guess I didn't think this through."

"You don't think anything through, and I have to get to class." as I said this the second bell rang, so I was already late.

"Fine." he said opening the door. Beth stood there still in shock.

"What the hell just happened?"

"Luke was being an idiot, let's just go to class."

"Okay?". We walked to class, sat there and I explained why Luke pulled me into the closet, and I didn't mention the kiss yesterday. The bell rang and I went gym, and got changed. I walked out of the locker room and everyone was giving me strange glances, but I didn't pay attention to it. Calum walked up to me.

"You sure you should be playing today?"

"Yeah I'll be fine."

"Okay." he said, sighing

"Why is everyone looking at me like that?"

"I don't know." he walked over to one of the guys giving me a glance and began talking to him. I couldn't hear what they were say, but when Calum walked over to me with a disturbed look on his face.

"What did he say?" I said

"Um.. nothing." he said in high pitched voice, telling me that he was lying.

"Calum what did he say?" I said now firmly.

"Um.." he gulped. "He said that he heard you and Luke um... you know... did it."

"What!" I saw Luke and walked over towards him pulled him bye the ear and dragged him over to where Calum was standing.

"Tell him what you just tolled me." I said to Calum

"Um.. a guy just told me that he heard that you and Tessa hooked up."

"What, I didn't spread that rumor if that's what your thinking." I gave him a stare down and knew he was telling the truth.

"Well than who did?"

"I don't know I didn't even know this rumor was going around." he said raising his shoulders.

"Well I'm going to find out." I walked over towards the guy that told the rumor to Calum.

"Who told you I hooked up with Luke?" I snapped

"I won't reveal me sources."

"Tell me." I said grabbing him by the collar."

"Okay fine, it was Sarah." he said in a small voice. I let him go and walked back to Luke and Calum.

"It was Sarah." I snapped

"Why would she... never mind." Calum said.

"I'm going to kill her." I said. The coach then told us to get ready to play volleyball so we went our separate ways. When I found Sarah I was going to strangle her. I would never hook up with Luke, I barely know the kid! I wonder what it will be like to be the only child again?

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