Chapter Fifty-Four: Tell that to Your Bloody Nose.

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It was about a week after my house was broken into. I had been on bed rest for the week now. I was able to get up and go out. I had been thinking about college for the past week now, and I finally built up the courage to tell me parents. I got out of bed and went into the kitchen and my dad and Maria were sitting. I went and sat down with then. They both looked up at me.

"I need to talk to you guys." I said.

"Okay? About what?" my dad had a confused look on his face.

"College...I honestly hate it." I said. They looked completely shocked. I had been telling everyone that I liked college but I only said that becuase that's what I thought they wanted to hear.

"You said you were loving college." my dad said. I could tell he was a bit upset.

''I said that becuase I knew that's what you wanted me to say. Dad I don't want to keep going to college. I know you are probably thinking I'm crazy, but I want to have music in my life but I don't want to be told when and where I have to play. I just want to be myslef and I can't do that in college." I said. Maria didn't look all that concered but my dad now looked even more upset.

''Tessa this is college we're talking about. You should keep going and get an education." he said.

"But dad I don't want to keep doing something I don't love.'' I said.

"Tessa you can't be serious. Tell her Maria." he looked to her and she looked at us both.

"If Tessa decides that she doesn't enjoy college, we should suport her." she said. I was shocked that she actually agreed with me.

"Is this what you really want?" he looked at me. I nodded, and he let out a sigh.

"Fine but you better find and job and be responsible. You can stay with us until you find the money to get an apartment." he said. I was happy that he accepted what I had chosen.

"Thanks Dad." I got up and kissed the top of his head.

"Anything for my pal." he said. I then heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I said. I walked down the stairs and to the front door. I opened it and Luke basically fell in my arms. He was completely bruised up and was bleeding from the nose.

"Dad!" I yelled for him. He came running out of the kitchen, and saw me, and standing with bleeding Luke. He came down the stairs and helped me carry Luke up to the couch, and lay him down.

"Luke what happened." I asked. He just smiled at me, with his swollen lips. I rubbed the side of his face as I looked at him. I could tell me dad was staring at us but I didn't care.

''I kinda told Calum that we got back together. I'm fine though." he said.

"Luke you could barely get up the stairs, you are not fine. Where is he?" I asked him.

"We were at Michael's house but it's okay Tessa he has every right to mad." he said. I stood up.

"Dad make sure Luke doesn't get up" I yelled as I ran out the door. I stomped to Michael's house. I saw Calum's car was still there. I knocked on the door hard. Michael opened the door, and he knew I was pissed. I pushed past him, and ran up the stair to find Calum sitting on the couch with and ice pack on his head. He looked up at me, and had a scared look on his face. I walked over to him.

"Tessa think about what your about to do." Michael shouted behind me.

"Thought about, and I'm still gonna kill him." I said. Calum stood up and I punched him in the stomach.

''Why the fuck is Luke laying on my couch all bloody!" I yelled at him.

"Tessa!" Michael stepped in between me and Calum, that was bending over in pain.

"They just had a fight it's no big deal." Michael said.

"No big deal! Luke could barely walk!" I protested.

''Oh come on Tessa you didn't expect me to be a little angry that he kissed another girl and he still got be with you in the end." Calum said.

"So that gives you a right to beat the living shit out of him. I made my chose, it's my life not yours. You're supposed to mine and his friend." I snapped. He looked at me.

"I didn't mean to hit him up that badly." he said. I pushed past Michael. I grabbed Calum by the ear, and started to pull him. I pulled him all the way to my house, and up to where Luke was lying. My dad looked at me with a concerend look on his face.

"Tessa I told you it wasn't a big deal." Luke said.

"You two are going to fix this now or so help I will put both of you in a wheel chair." I snapped

"What is going on out here?" Sarah said, as she walked down the hall. She stopped when she saw, injured Luke and Calum.

"Go on." I said. Two both of them.

''Calum you don't have to apologize I deserved it. I mean I ruined your life and yet I still get to be happy. It's not fair, and I'm so sorry. I would rather die then loose your friendship." Luke said. Calum looked back at me, then Sarah, then at Luke.

"I'm sorry too man. I didn't mean to beat the shit out of you and I know it's not your fault for everything that's happened. I'm happy if you're happy." he said.

"Okay now that you two are good, I am going to go get Luke and icepack and a bandages." I walked out of the room, and into the kitchen and on my way I grabbed Sarah by the arm, and pulled her with me.

"You see what you've done. You almost ruined my relationship, and their friendship. " I said to her.

"How many times do I have to tell you I'm sorry.' she said.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." I pointed to Calum, as he sat next to Luke.

"I can't face him." she said,

"You're gonna have to." I said. I walked back into the living room, with a icepack and bandages. I went and sat next to Luke.

"Tessie really I'm fine." he said.

"Tell that to your bloody nose." I presed the napkin to his. He whispered fuck under his breathe which made me laugh. I got him all cleaned up. I then turned to Calum. I grabbed his shirt, and lifted it up and placed an icepack on his stomach.

"I didn't hit him there." Luke said.

"I know I kinda punched him when I got to Michael's. Sorry about that." I said.

"It's okay." Calum said. I saw Sarah standing at the doorway of the kitchen looking at Calum.

"Luke why don't we go in my room." I picked him up.

"What why?"he questioned. I pointed to Sarah and kept walking.


A/N: shit just went down between Calum and Luke but cake will live on forever. Can't wait for other chapters. Luv ya guys!!!!


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