Brittaney and Brad

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luke pov

L: alex! are you ok?

A: yeah I'm fine... should I not be?

L: no ones said anything to you?

A: no.... Luke whats going on?

I shouldn't tell him. I can still talk to Brittaney if she hasn't spread the rumor and convince her not to right? I don't want to stress him.

A: I know you're thinking about keeping from me, but remember last time you kept something from me? it was an easy fix, but you HAD to keep your secrets. just tell me.

L: Brittaney told brad about us and now he's trynna kill me. I figured she had told the whole school, but apparently not. so i'll talk to her in science and make sure she doesn't tell anyone.

A: oh... ok...

L: I was just worried you would get beat up or something

A: you were worried about me while being chased by the frikin gorilla who plays a sport only to hurt other people??!?! thats so cute :)

L: Alex what about Brittaney?

A: I don't know.... we should try talking to her.

L: ok. I'll tell you how it goes.

A: bye.

L: bye. oh and Alex? in case she's already told people, just don't spend too much time in hallways.

A: you too.

we go to our classes and I (to her surprise) sit by Brittaney

Brittaney: Luke? what do you want? done with your little rebound so soon?

L: Brittaney please. I just wanna talk.

Brittaney: about?

L: you can't tell people about Alex and I. I know you hate us, but if you tell the school you could get Alex hurt.

Brittaney: wowww if only you cared that much about me when we dated.

L: Brittaney, you know they'll only go after him. pretty sure I scare most of the idiots at this school.

Brittaney: thats right! you have a temper and a record of getting in fights, no one would try to hurt you! just your poor, sweet, punchable Alex.

L: dude. we both know you're better than this! come on! you're a good person! don't let an innocent kid get hurt because you're mad at me. please.

Brittaney: I like when you beg. but you're right. ill just tell them YOU'RE a fag. then they'll come after you.

L: fine! do what you have to do- just don't hurt him because I hurt you.

Brittaney: but hurting him would hurt you. besides, I know you wouldn't tell someone to beat you up instead of me while we were dating.

L: Brittaney. we dated a long time ago. I think it would be healthier for all involved if you just got over me....

Brittaney: I'm over you. just can't have people thinking they can steal my boyfriend and get away with it.

L: Brittaney- what could I do to make you not tell anyone.

Brittaney: expose him as a fag to the school at lunch.

L: yeah I'm not doing that.

Brittaney: fine then.

L: Brittaney! c'mon.

Brittaney: go to the dance with me and I won't tell everyone.

L: fine! fine! is that all you wanted?

Brittaney: that and to expose you and your little-

L: call him that one more time I'll give people a reason to be scared of me

Brittaney: that supposed to be a threat?

L: don't use slurs. I don't care how homophobic-

Brittaney: oh! oh you thought this was about two guys dating! thats funny. if you left me for another girl i'd find a way to destroy her life too. its not because Alex is a guy, its because I don't tolerate people stealing from me.

L: I'll see you later Brittaney.

I move to sit somewhere else

Brittaney: see you at the dance!

I hate her. she could have any guy and she was hung up on the one who didn't want her and obsessed with ruining my life. I mean I'm still going with Alex though, so I win.

school is boring as usual, but navigating it was definitely more... interesting than usual. had to avoid brad in every hallway. I hate this. I'm not scared of brad, but I know Alex would freak out if he saw me all bruised and bloodied after school.

after school....

A: hey! how'd it go? I didn't see you in advisory...

L: yeah it went pretty well... I have to go to the dance as her date or she'll tell everyone.

A: oh...

L: its an awesome deal, because Im going with you no matter what- cause of the band, and I won't have time to hang out with her because we'll be playing and we can go when we finish.

A: oh! ok! :) wait so why weren't you in advisory?

L: just needed to think.

I was in the bathroom, about to cut again, but I remembered Alex, and how upset he would be if I hurt myself. so I didn't. he's saving my life with his stupid smile and the best I can do for him is go out with someone else right in front of him. I'm a horrible person.

A: tomorrows Thursday! I'll see you later!

he walks towards reggie and heads home. I wanna go with them, but I have to get home.

Brad: hey fag! where you going?

L: home brad. god. go bother someone else

Brad: like your little boyfriend?

L: like Brittaney- y'all both reek, she just smells like desperation.

Brad: are you saying I smell?

L: yes. are you to dumb to grasp that?

I make sure to keep walking. faster I get home, faster I'm safe from frikin Godzilla over here.

Brad: I'm sorry. do I not smell good enough for you fag?

L: I've really heard that word enough times today. I'm asking you politely to stop.

I stop walking now, allowing him to get right behind me.

Brad: I'm sorry! did I make you sad fag?

I swing my backpack off my shoulder and directly at his head, and before he can get ready to swing back, I kick him where the sun don't shine. learned that move when I asked a girl for directions late at night. I hit him on the spine one time, so he stays down, and then I RUN. I run like my life depends on it. to be fair, it does. luckily, I'm fast, so I get home before he catches up. he's gonna give me hell tomorrow. dang.

why couldn't I let them be happy? I don't know. I'm incapable of allowing joy.

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