Robbie and Britt <3

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Alex pov

I woke up that morning being cuddled to death by Luke, and honestly, I love it.

A: good morning baby.

he just stirs and mumbles something.

A: get up!!!!

L: alexxxxxx ughhh *more mumbling*

A: dude get uppp

L: awww no more baby?

A: fine. babe, get up.

L: only for you. <3

A: whatever. :)

L: you love me.

A: I do.

luke and I get out of bed and he texts the others, telling to meet us here for breakfast, and we go get ready.

after a while, we're both dressed and reggie and bobby are sitting on our couch, waiting for Britt and robin- who they've never met.

Reg: so what are we getting for breakfast?

L: I don't know- anywhere they serve breakfast foods.

A: I can't wait for you guys to meet robin!

Bobby: I can't wait to meet them! the person who admitted to thinking my sister was hot, but you still let sleep in her room

A: how do you know- LUKE!!!!!

L: bobby why do you hate me?


then robin and Britt walk in.

A: hey guys!

bobby scrambles up and goes too meet robin, and to my surprise, reggie stays on the couch.

Bobby: robin? bobby. Brittaney's older brother.

Robin: really? so Luke's twin?

Bobby: what?

L: shuttup robin. *hugz*

its weird- robin was already part of the group and they hadn't even met reg!

Britt: yeah so glad to see you guys too!!!

she rolls her eyes and I give her a hug.

we all get caught up and start to grab our stuff, heading out to breakfast,(bobby and Britt on a call with their parents) when I notice robin- very timidly for someone who wears only leather and rides a motorcycle, approaching the couch. I have to watch this- and if its Luke again I'm gonna end his sorry *redacted*

Robin: heyyyy....

Reggie: *in a godfather accent*you come to my 'ouse, to court ma fellow bisexual- she's like a sister to me! and you hav'nt asked for 'er hand.

Robin laughs a nervously and reggie doubles over at his stupid impression, which I think made them relax.

Reggie: reggie. nice to meet you.

Robin: robin. but you knew that-

Reggie: *smol laugh* yeah. so did anything happen with you and Britt last night?- I'm like Alex, we're chill. I won't tell her "brothers"

Robin: why does everyone keep asking me this?! I can't be that obvious!

Reg: you're not, brittaney is. you're just not stupid and we all know there is NO way you wouldn't shut her down if you didn't like her back.

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