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hi! so if a name is bolded then its a phone call or text, if its a sentence (like this) its an authors note ( EX: TheAnxiousDrummerBoy)

Reggie pov

we entered the park, and Alex and Luke run off to go get us cotton candy. I can't tell which one of them is the adult-y babysitter one and which one is the one who really wants cotton candy, but I don't care, because I want a Mickey hat. i grab Brittaney, and we take off running, leaving bobby looking extremely confused.

Britt: where are we going?

R: to get Mickey hats!!!

Britt: Oooo I want a Minnie bow!

R: me too! and we'll get one for Alex too.

Britt: and we'll get the rest of the boys the mouse hats.

R: yesssss!!!!!!

Britt: yessssssssssssss!!!!!!!

we run around till we find a cart selling hats, and buy one for everyone, and grab some Disney princess jewelry before we leave. this is awesome.

R: so we've got the aurora for Alex-

Brittaney just hugs me.

Britt: thank you reggie. I wouldn't have even known that I was bi if-

R: no problem man. what're friends for?

Britt: no. I'm serious. I couldnt- I wouldn't have done it without you.

we just hug for a second, then her phone rings.

Bobby: where are you guys?

bobby! I wonder if he meant what he said about being gay-

Britt: we're at the- where are you?

Bobby: still by the entrance.

Luke: hi reggie!

R: hi

Alex: hi Brittaney!

Bobby: just meet us back here.

Brittaney: alright. we're on our way.

she hangs up and we start our walk.

Luke's pov (at the same time as the last bit)

A: cotton candy!!!!!!!!

L: cotton candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we buy as much as we can hold and Alex opens a bag.

A: *with his mouth full* want some?

L: yes.

He pulls a bit out of the bag a holds it to my mouth. I just laugh and take a bite.

A: *laughter* I love this place.

L: I'm aware. wait gimme s'more before you finish it all!!!

we finish off an entire bag and sit at a curb, opening the second bag.

A: today's already awesome.

L: I know right!? you owe me a lap dance ;)

he just laughs- he has the best laugh.

A: I meant its awesome being in Disney land!! and that Britt came out to us- and being in Disney land!!

L: oh yeah. that was great.

I'm happy for you. (julie and the phantoms) (sunset curve)Where stories live. Discover now