Revenge of the Brad

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Reggie pov

We got to my room without my parents noticing us- thankfully.

A: thank you- forlettingme sleep over

R: anytime.

A: you're sopretttyyy

he literally grabs my face.

R: bro what're youdoing?!?!? aye getoffme!

I push him away

A: aw but you're justsoprettyyyyy

R: chill wouldyou?

A: okayyyy

we lay down- FAR away from each other and I start to doze off.

A: do you think I'mpretty?

R: yes. now goto sleep!

A: Luke thinksi'mpretty. he even told me.

R: la la la im not linsteninggggg

A: and he kissedme. he's sopretty.

I'm going to die.

Luke pov

brad's friend: what do we do?! you killed him!

Brad: no I- I didn't- I didn't!

L: no you didn't.

everything hurts. I'm dizzy. but what if this guy HAD killed me... would I be in some dumpster in a back alley? I've gotta get outta here. but I cant stand up. help me. clearly he doesn't want to kill me, but I have a bad feeling about this whole thing. I've gotta get outta here-

Brad: so you are alive huh fag?

L: unfortunately.

Brads VERY ugly friend- at least brads got the football player look going for him: lets get him.

L: s'cuse me?

oh no.

then I feel a swift kick in the jaw. darkness again.

Reggie Pov

help meeeeeee Alex is going to kill me.

A: i'm bored. are youbored?


A: awwwwwwww

A: wait- wheresluke?luke gives thebestcuddles.

R: stop. pleasestop.

A: and you know hehasabs? when he takesoffhisshirt he has abs :)

R: ew. no. nope. I'm going to sleep.

so I pretend to sleep through his nonstop talking about how he feels about literally everyone we've ever met. he had a few choice words about his parents, and I had to pretend I was asleep and not cringe the entire time he told me about their date on friday, but he also talked about how he had the best best friend in the world so it was alright I guess. then the talking stopped. he's asleep!!!! yessssss!!!!!! I fall asleep pretty fast after that.

Luke Pov

awake again. my head hurts like hell. I'm in a room, but its not my room. oh no. was I that drunk? but Alex- then I remember what happened. oh no.

Brad: you awake fairy?

L: no. <3

Brad: Really? Cause it seems like you are.

L: yeah no shit. Where am I?

Brad: that's classified.

L: why am I here?

Brad: because she wants you to be.

L: who? Brittany?!? That bi-

Brad: get some rest. We'll be driving a while.

He leaves the room, locking the door behind him. Crap. He said we're driving- that we will be for a while.... I'm being taken out of the country by my kidnappers. Ok. I've got to find a way out. Maybe when they stop. For now I've gotta find a phone. Call someone and tell em where I am.

Gotta find a phone... as soon as the room stops spinning. Ok.

I get up as steadily as possible and check every drawer. Nothing. Then I lay back down- ow! Something's poking me in the back... my phone! Did those idiots really forget to take my phone?!?

The door clicks open and I rush to hide it in my jacket pocket.

Brads UGLY friend: hey.

L: what do you want?

Brads ugly friend: I want to get you out of here.

L: wait really?!?

Brads friend: for a small price....

He walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

L: hey back off!

Brads friend: I just want to help you-

L: no you don't. You want to blackmail me. Use me.

Brads ugly friend: no Luke I-

His tone was giving me all the wrong vibes.

L: back off!!!!

I push him hard and run out the unlocked door.

My head still hurts, but I've got more pressing matters. I sneak past brad, who is sleeping on a chair and find the nearest door. This Is a really big truck... we're on a train. Great. Just gotta make a jump then.

I find a door, haul it open and jump

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