A break.

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hehe I forgot about lukes search party for a second there. heres that.

oh also I imagine Brittaney as Sarah jeffery on charmed. wanted to get a pic up there, but it won't work. sorry about that.

Bobby pov

after Alex recovers from his- seizure? panic attack? I don't know and honestly I don't think he does. I don't blame him either. we have to find Luke. I don't know what any of us would do if we don't.

B: Alex.... are you Ure you're all right.

A: yes! you've all been watching me, waiting for me to snap, and I did. so quit watching me.

R: he's just looking out for you Alex.

A: ..... I know. sorry bobby. I know you're just trynna help.

B: its alright.

my sister is being so quiet. its weird. I guess it must be weird being in a manhunt to save your ex from your best friend. so I pull her aside.

bobby: hey are you alright?

Brittaney: I'm fine.

Bobby: whats wrong?

Brittaney: Im just hungry.

thats when I realized how hungry I was.

Bobby: ok. well that I can fix. hey reg!

R: yeah?

Bobby: lets go get some food.

R: can you? I think I should stay with Alex-

A: dude. I already yelled at bobby for this. don't make me yell at you too.

R: fine. I'm not buying you salad though. we all need pizza.

A: fair.

so reggie and I jump in the car and head to the nearest pizza joint. i hope they'll be ok.

B: you know I just realized we just left the two most mentally unstable and in love with the missing person people alone.

R: yeah I just realized we left luke's current boyfriend and his ex.

B: we screwed up huh?

R: royally.

B: lets just get food and get back soon.

R: for sure.

Alex POV

I guess its just me and Brittaney. cool.

B: hey....

A: hi.

I don't like her. just cause she didn't kidnap Luke doesn't mean she's in the clear for everything she did.

B: I'm sorry. I know you hate me. I should've just gotten over my ex and told you I was happy fro you instead of acting like a *redacted*. I made his- and your life hell right up till- well till now. I'm sorry.

Luke says I forgive too easily, but I think he just holds a grudge too long. so I hug Brittaney- she had good reason to lash out, especially since I know now she wasn't responsible for everything we blamed her for.

then she starts to cry on my shoulder.

B: what if we don't find him? I MOCKED him for dating you. last thing I did was prolly threaten him. I was so horrible to him and now he- Im sorry Alex. I didn't want anything bad to happen to him I swear- not really.

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