The parade <3

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^One of my favorite pride songs^

Alex pov

L: anyways, back to the plan

a: mhm

hes pretty

L: Alex are you even listening to me?

I love him <3

A: mhm

L: yeah and then purple monkeys flew out my butt-

and I like this hair

A: mhm

then I get hit in the back of the head

A: oW- what the- whyyy??????

reg: you weren't listening.

L: exactly. we have work to do if we're gonna pull this off and its already almost June-

~time skip~

surprisingly enough, after a month or so we arranged our own pride parade with us driving in front. todays the day- I'm so nervous-

Lucky for me, Luke noticed

L: don't stress babe- everything gonna be alright-

he kisses me shortly before hopping in the back of bobby's truck.

its weird cause for the first time, I didn't feel anything when he kissed me- in fact, I didn't really like it. it just felt- awkward.

Lukes POV

me, robin, Alex and reg piled into the back of bobby's truck- Brittaney and bobby had to stay in the front because they're not out to their parents and don't want to be.

this is so cool- we have like a million giant confetti canons (rainbow of course) back here with us that we're in charge of firing whenever we feel like- also we have a bunch of people following us- Cindy and liz are even driving a small float-

don't get me wrong, I'm totally pumped, but I think I may be a bit nervous cause I kissed Alex earlier and I didn't feel a thing- ill think about this later though cause right now our parade is starting-

reggie fired the first canon, startling me out of my thoughts- I didn't even realize we were moving

L: that was lOud-

R: no shit sherlock- its a canon-

L: you're just rude-

R: I know :)

we drove for a while, attracting a crowd. some would join the parade and some would stand on the sidelines and yell at us, but it didn't matter. I don't think any of us have had this much fun since- well ever-

we were blasting queen and out bobby's truck that we had put rainbow stickers all over and getting confetti in our hair. this is the best day ever.

Alex POV

this WAS the best day ever, until I spotted two familiar faces in the crowd of people who had gathered to yell slurs at us-

A: is that- are those my parents?

L: I think it is-

oh my god. they looked right at me- I can't do this-

A: I- I can't-

an unfortunately familiar panic starts to settle in me.

luke says something but I can't hear him over the crowd

Robin: Alex, its ok. we're right here. keep your eyes on me ok? its all gonna be ok-

then, I was shocked out of my panic attack by the most earsplitting mini-explosion, followed by my parents screams.

I turn around to see reg pointing a now empty confetti canon at them-

A: reg- did you just-

R: shoot your homophobic parents with rainbow confetti? yes. bobby, DRIVE.

bobby drove off and we all laughed- looks like I'm sleeping at reggie's place tonight-

we drove for a while after that before we decided to pack it up and go back to bobby's place for an after party- (their parents aren't home)

I can't wait.

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