The movies.

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sorry I didn't update for so long. hope you enjoy <3

Alex pov

I was gonna talk to Luke, I really was, but I had to.... get to class! Ugh I just didn't want him to hate me! Help! Then I got a text

SleevesAreTheWorkOfTheDevil: can we talk? About yesterday?

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: ummm ok...

SleevesAreTheWorkOfTheDevil: ok.. I'll see you at practice?

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: sure.

Oh god. He was gonna break up with me. I'm the worst person ever. Why didn't I talk yesterday? What was I so scared of? Ughhh

School was pretty boring- and advisory was weird. Luke still sat by me, but we didn't really talk. He just asked for math homework answers and drew random stuff on my paper. Then he drew a bunch of hearts. What?!?! I thought he hated me? He just drew in silence the entire class period. Hearts and flowers and guitars and a badly drawn drum set. He was so cute. I wanted to ask, but I couldn't, so I just wrote on his paper, "are you mad at me?"

He glanced at my paper and smiled, the wrote on my paper "I love you" then he laughed and walked out as the bell rang. Ughhh! Why couldn't he just give me an answer!!!

Then it was time for practice. Sadly it was at my house. I know they would move practice somewhere if there was space, but there wasn't, so I got home and explained to my parents that Luke was coming over- they had banned him for further notice. Then there was a knock at the door

R: hey man!

B: what's up!

L: hi 😁

Luke looked so smiley! It was so cute. I mean- practice. So I let them in, despite my parents angry expressions and took them to the garage.

B: see ya later mrs Mercer! Bye Mr Mercer!

R: yea see you later...

L: 🙄 bye.

We get in the garage and start to practice. Luke still hasn't spoken a words to me. He just smiled a lot. So we played our songs, over and over until we were perfect.

L: nice work boys! we're gonna rock that dance.

B: still don't know why we're playing a dance.

A: c'mon- think about it! a private concert for all our friends. besides, then we don't have to have a date

L: then we don't have to have a female date

*que intense blushing*

B: so thats why we're doing this.

R: also because it'll be fun, and will help us get more people our age coming to our performances.

L: yeah. let take a break. get some snacks or something.

R: sounds cool.

L: I probably shouldn't go in there...

R: me and bobby will get them

they walk out and Luke lays on the couch.

L: so... what was up yesterday?

A: I don't know.... I was just nervous I guess.

L: do I make you nervous ;)

he laughs then gets up and comes towards me.

L: I'm just as nervous. always have been. but please don't be nervous with me-

A: I just-

he kisses my forehead and I shut up.

A: so you're not mad?

L: why would I be mad? I got rid of my fake friends, (kinda) made peace with my mom and I finally grew a pair and asked you out- kinda.

:) *more blushing*

L: oh! and speaking of asking you out, would you wanna see a movie with me- just us?

A: oh! yeah- I- wait. when we'd go to the movies... was that a date? did you even ask reggie?

L: ok so in my defense,,,,,, yeah I have nothing. I was just so straight and in love with my girlfriend that I would ask my best friend if he would go to the movies with me and tell him our friends couldn't make it.

A: you should've just told me! god you waited so long.

L: well if YOU had told me you were gay when you told reggie.

A: if YOU had told me OR reggie you were pan...

we just started to laugh, then reggie and bobby walked in.

R: whats so funny?

A: Luke asked me out *crying laughing*

B: wait isn't that good....?

Luke just shakes his head yes. this is the best. practice is over waaaaay too soon, and Luke tells me he'll take me to the movies on Friday. :) :) :)

luke pov

I'm taking Alex to the movies on Friday!!! like as his boyfriend. :)

I still have to go to school till then. ugh. nothing ever happens in school. just two more days Luke. two days till Friday.

brad: hey! if it isn't Luke.

L: uhh... hi?

brittaney's old friend. he's basically her bodyguard but he bullies people in her place instead of actually protecting her. what does he want with me?

Brad: I heard you left Brittaney for your little drummer boy.

what?!?!?!!? Brittaney told?!? I'm going to kill her.

L: I'm not sure what you mean.

brad: you callin me a liar fag?

L: naw man. we're friends aren't we? just don't like lies that could get someone hurt.

Brad: what you're scared I'm going to hurt you?

L: no! but you know people will beat up that poor kid- those lies are gonna get him hurt.

Brad: worried about your pet fag? your little boyfriend?

L: lets talk about this rationally. if you don't stop spreading those rumors about me and my FRIEND, you'll get him hurt.

Brad: and? besides you should be more scared of whats gonna happen to you.

L: never been one for self preservation. i'll see you later brad.

I start to walk away. I walk as slowly and tall as possible. if he can smell my very prominent fear, he'll beat me up for sure. hey I might be able to win a fight with a normal sized human, but brad is a 50 ft football player. I gotta get outta here and make sure Alex is alright. rumors spread fast. I tried not to turn around, but I have to when someone taps on my shoulder

Brad: Im not done

L: well unfortunately, I am.

now I'm running. I know thats not my best decision, but if people are coming for ME, I can't imagine whats going on with Alex. also I don't wanna know what getting beat up by that guy feels like. I flip him off so he knows I'm totally not scared, and I get to Alex's locker.

L: Alex! are you alright?

next chapter coming soon

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