The greatest party LA's ever seen

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^a song about LA^

reggie pov

this party is amazing. every Allie/member of the community from our school is here and because Alex is a mom, we replaced the alcohol with energy drinks. now everyone is bouncing off the walls-

also, I might just be crazy, but Luke and Alex are being really weird- like they're being awkward and actively avoiding each other. I wonder whats up-

this party is amazing. we have about a million different rainbow candies and pastries- also pizza! its not rainbow but its good-

it was a great party, but all good things have to end, and eventually the party did just that.

we all ended sleeping over at bobby's though, since it was late by time we finishes cleaning up.

Alex Pov

the whole night was a lot of fun, but sO awkward. I avoided Luke all night and when we did bump into each others it was uncomfy. I need to talk to him, I don't want him thinking he did something wrong, cause he didn't, I just- I don't feel like he's anything more than a friend anymore-

I need some air. its so awkward to be in the same room with just him and reg while I'm planning to break up with him-

A: im gonna go get some water-

now I'm sitting in the hallway, stressing about breaking up with my boyfriend. this is fun.

Luke Pov

tonight would have been perfect if I wasn't hiding from Alex the entire time- I should just tEll him I lost feelings, but I don't want to hurt him- also my mom's on my case cause I didn't tell her I was going out- this sucks.

Alex leaves the room we're all sharing to go grab a glass of water and I basically run at reg

L: help. I need help. like a lot of it. now.

R: whats up?

L: its about me and Alex-

R: yeah whats up with you two?

well, this is it. its now or never- why am I so nervous- I'm not even telling Alex yet-

L: I think I lost feelings-

reg just stares at me-

L: say something-!

R: uh- you- you need to tell him that. like right now.

L: but I don't want to hUrt him- he's still my friend- oh god what if he dent even wanna be friends anymore??!!?

R: hey- calm down. please. everything gonna be ok, you just need to tell him before this gets out of hand-

L: ok, but you have to like- tell me what to say-

R: hOw?!? you want a fuckin wire- ?

L: you don't have to be annoying about it I'm just nervous- goddamn-

R: well what do you want me to say- hey Alex-!

then I see Alex standing in the doorway.

L: heyyyyyyy

then he just starts laughing- what the hell-??

A: dude- *laughs* the panic on your faces-

why is he laughing-

L: wh-what?

A: I can't- *laughs more* you were all sad and then you were all "err hey Alex"

R: I don't sound like that-

they're both laughing now, and I'm still standing there in shock

L: how much of our conversation did you hear-?

A: all of it- *more laughter* I was sitting in the hall-

L: then why are you laughing?

he finally stops laughing

A: .....I left because I feel the same way and I wasn't sure how to tell you-

L: wait- really?

A: yeah-

R: great. problem solved. can we all go to bed now?

we both just ignore him

L: so- do you want to break up?

A: I mean- yeah-

L: ok- thats cool- we're still friends though right?

A: obviously.

he's awesome.

A: nOw we can go to bed.

R: that worked out-

it really did- no hard feeling or anything- I got really friggin lucky-

A: it did. oh and since we're broken up, I'm taking the bed-

L: no you arent- I want the bed-

A: nOpe- heh.

L: fine then I'm taking the couch

R: try again.

L: what? so where do I sleep-

reggie and Alex both stared at me

both, at the same time: on the floor.

L: thats not fairrrr

R: fine. you can have Alex's blanket and pillow.

A: wait no-!

R: well you got a whole bed so-

A: fineeee

and so now I'm laying on the floor with a blanket and pillow, trying to conserve heat, while Alex complains about how cold it is and reggie tells him to shut up and let us all sleep. best. day. ever.

im sorryyyy I had to break them since this is just a prequel and it leads into jatp-

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