I'm attracted to cooking utensils

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tw: Alex calls himself an f slur :(

Alex POV

I woke up to an empty room, so I went downstairs to see where everyone went

Mrs Patterson: they left to grab lunch

A: oh- oh ok. Thanks-

Mrs Patterson: no problem honey- whats going on with you today anyway?

A: well my p-

almost let that slip- what was the lie? god it was too early for this- well- you know what I mean- god I paused for too long... what do I do-

A: i've just been really sick.

Mrs Patterson: mhmmm. so what is REALLY happening? I won't tell Luke...

A: no I was just puking I-

Mrs Patterson: Alex, I need you tell me, or I'm going to have to call your parents and ask whats REALLY going on.

A: no!-


Mrs Patterson: whats going on?

now I HAD to tell her. either that or my parents come and get me, and I'm in a LOT of trouble. I know that'll happen anyway after school when they get the email, but I'm not ready yet.

A: I- im-

but what if she kicked me out? what if she tells Luke he can't hang out with me? what if she calls my mom anyway?

Luke: hey guys!

saved by the bell

Mrs Patterson: hi Luke! Alex and I were just talking about whats actually going on here

L: oh um- so you know? That one of us here is not-so-straight

he smirks at that

Mrs Patterson: I already knew- wait but why are you out of school?

L: what he didn't tell you that part?

I just shake my head. how did she know? did Luke tell her when he stormed out? tell his mom that I was a fag? a stupid worthless- no. I'm not any of those. I don't care what they say. so why was my voice shaking when I asked-

A: so your ok with us being friends even though one of us is a fag?

Mrs Patterson: what?!? you can call my son a lot of things- and be right,

L: hey!

Mrs Patterson: but THAT kind of language is NOT allowed in my house, especially referring to my son! just because you can't open your mind to believe that a man can love another man doesn't mean you need to voice that in MY house! and if you-

L: no! woah mom chill- he didn't mean me- definitely no more slurs, but he was talking about himself- I thought he told you?

A: no....

ugh I was so embarrassed that I almost missed that luke's mom just said he was "not-so-straight"

A: my mom and dad were really mad when I told them this morning. I was- really upset, so Luke and reggie got me out of school.

Mrs Patterson: why didn't you just tell me? stay as long as you want. I'll even call your mom and ask if you can sleep over- you too reggie.

she walks away mumbling something about how she can't believe the mercers are homophobic- me neither lady.

L: nice! looks like we're hanging out for a bit more boys!

R: yeah....

why did reggie look so skeptical? and was Luke gay? he had a girlfriend!

A: so... Luke? your-

L: pansexual. I'm attracted to cooking utensils.

he laughed really hard, then looked at us kind of confused.

L: I thought you knew? I literally vandalize every surface with pan flags, and I got a pan of pan flag ice cream- blue pink and yellow?

A: no I didn't-

dang. i'm blushing again aren't I?

Luke Pov

god I was an idiot. I never told them, and I actually went out of my way to keep it a secret because even though reggie was always questionable, I thought they were straight, and they were my closest friends. turns out Alex is gay and reggie- reggie is still questionable.

wait is Alex blushing?

and reggie looks 2000000% done with my crap. crap.

L: I'm sorry for not telling you guys earlier. and I'm sorry for the car- thing reggie.

Alex POV

what car thing? did something happen between reggie and Luke in the car? reggie didn't seem to be shocked when Mrs Patterson (accidentally) outed him... did they? why did I even care? I hate everything, someone shoot me.

Reggie POV

dude. Luke broke up with his girlfriend. they need to stop blushing like idiots and kiss or something. I'm done. I'm going to Luke's room. ok- I guess they're following me. its gonna be a long day.

reggie is all of us lol. sorry these are so short and I haven't been writing as often as before. its finals week :/ Ooo next chapter is... fun ;)

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