Snap back to reality

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oh there goes gravity-

TW: mentions of r*pe, murder, kidnapping, and abuse.

Lukes pov

L: you're *redacted* sick!

M: oh honey. i'm not sick. that actually why your here. I just want to talk.

L: so lemme see if I got this right... you kidnapped me so we could talk about your health-

M: no!

she stands up in anger, but she ends up looking way more like an angry 3 year old than a murderous psychopath

L: because I hate to break it you- your are NOT as mentally healthy as you may think...

M: I-

L: yeah whatever wheres Brittany? I want to talk to her about this whole psycho- kidnapper- crazy ex thing. its not a good look on her.

M: *obnoxious chuckle* you still think Brittaney is behind this? no she's too weak for this. she's probably at home gaining 20 pounds of ice cream because YOU had to go and break her heart.

first off, who sits there and takes an extra 30 minutes to pronounce all the syllables in prob- ab-ly? second, if brittaney isn't behind this, I'm stuck with people Ive never gotten along with ( openly disliked) that won't see reason and could kill me at any time. they don't want anything except me dead. great. at least if Brittaney was her, I could promise to date her or some creepy *redacted* now I've got nothing to do. I'm stuck. stuck till they kill me.

what came put though, was not any of that. suprised me too.

L: I- broke her heart?

is that why you're gonna hurt me?

M: well yeah... dont worry about her though.

L: what cause I should be worrying about myself?

M: no- just- don't worry about her.

L: did you do something to Brittaney?

she just shrugs.

L: did you hurt Brittany?!?

then she smiles.

L: did you- did you kill her?!??! oh my god.

M: lets talk Luke.

she pats her bed like a friggin parent trying to give you some speech about responsibility.

L: no! you-

M: I thought you didn't love her anymore?

L: I dont- but we were friends! she was human, and you killed her to make a point to me! you don't see something wrong with that?

she walks up to me- like in my personal space- like if she was Alex I wouldn't have to move to kiss him. god I miss Alex. and reggie. and bobby. and Brittany. she was killed because of me. this *redacted* *redacted* killed her because of me. so instead of breaking down and crying when she touched a part of my no-no square, I punched her. hard as I could.


theres blood coming out of her nose. I'm going to kill her. then ill have two peoples blood on my hands. then ill sit down and slit my wrists, so Alex never has to know what I've done.

M: hit me one more time.

L: I plan to.

I do. then she moans. legit moans.

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