a filler chapter bc idk what to do wth this story anymore

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Bobby pov

reggie must have seen how upset I looked, because he moved from us spot and sat in my lap. reggie is curled up on my lap. omg. AAAAAAA what do I do reggie is sitting on my lapppppp- also my sister made a comment about how we should get together, but thats not important! reggie is on my lap!!!!

then- and I don't know if it was cause he had one to many drinks, he kissed me. in front of everyone. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA what do I do????? kiss back dumbfuck!!!!!

so I did.

this is nice

Britt: ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!

we pull apart and reggie whispers in my ear

Reg: do you want be my boyfriend? since we already kissed in front of your sister and stuff...

what do I say?!?!?!? AAAAAAA

I can't talk, so I just nod frantically


then the room erupted with a bunch of tipsy teenagers, yelling at the same time





this is amazing. all my friends are here- reggie in my lap- scratch that, my BOYFRIEND in my lap, and Luke hugging Alex, trying to get him to be less mad- all I need is some popcorn to watch that.

R: I love you bobby :))

definitely tipsy. I should prolly take his drink away- Alex did it to Luke and we ARE minors, but he's smiling so much I can't get myself to do it.

by time the night was over, Luke and Alex weren't talking cause they're both jealous bastards (they'll have made up by morning) and robin and britt were falling all over each other- literally.

they all stumbled back to their rooms, and once everyone was gone, reggie got up, Locked the door, then came into my room

Bobby: hey!

Reggie just lays down on my bed. what do I do? I should go to his room.

then I didn't do that.

so now, me and my BOYFRIEND are cuddling on my bed AAAAAAAAAA

this is awesome.

Luke pov

Alex KISSED Brittany for like an hour. in FRONT of me!!!! so we're not talking.

Alex pov

luke KISSED reg for like an hour in FRONT OF ME! so I'm not talking to him. at least I kissed a girl! I'm gay! Luke is pan and he kissed reg!!!

Narrator pov

the two jealous idiots still ended up falling asleep together. boys are confusing.

so did Brittaney and robin- except they weren't as G-rated about it.

anywhooooo on with the story I suppose.

Luke pov

I woke up with a headache (it wasn't as bad as It could've been) beside the most beautiful blond haired idiot to ever walk the planet. my life is literally amazing.

and I had a text from reg.

BiBassBoy: bobby and britt already left- and they took robin with them- (idk) are you guys ready yet??????

SleevesAreTheWorkOfTheDevil: yeah we're on our way 2 ur room rn.

L: wake up- we have to drive home today

A: 5 more minutes.....

L: baby we gotta go.

A: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

so I did what any good boyfriend would do.

I got up and ripped the blanket off him.

A: LUKEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

L: c'mon babe. we gotta head out. reggie waiting.

A: ugh all you care about is reggie.

L: whatever stupid. lets get going.

he did NOT want to get going. I had to drag him out of bed and to the lobby, where reg was waiting.

soon as we checked out, reggie ran to get the car, pulling it to the front of the hotel

I switched with him so hat he was in the passengers and I was driving, leaving Alex to sleep in the back, and we started our drive back home.

sorry if this makes no sense, I'm tired af <3

oooo and if y'all have any random stuff u want them to do pls tell me in the comments. I'm running outta ideas- and keep in mind they are 16 rn so nothin too crazy.


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