Tripping on the now

415 13 7

Reggies pov

I get to Alex's porch, ring the doorbell and start to tie my shoes- these things are crap. they're always untying themselves and tripping me up. then Alex opens the door

Reggie: hey man are you ready to-

I faltered when I looked up and saw he had been crying.. he could be emotional, but usually for good reason.

R: oh my- Alex are you ok?

Alex: um yeah- I'm fine. Why are you here?

im not gonna lie, that scared me more than the tears. Alex would forget his name before forgetting school. something was wrong.

Reggie: I'm here to walk with you to school.... same as literally every day....

A: oh! Yeah... I'm coming i-

I walks into his house, grabbing his backpack for him from the kitchen. his parents were both sitting quietly and looking mad- they didn't even respond when I greeted them. Alex tries to take his backpack, so i don't have to carry both, but i won't let him- he looks tired enough as is. I'm seriously considering taking him to my place to get some sleep or something but if his parents are already mad, I doubt cutting school would help.

A: dude gimme my bag

he jumps at me playfully, but i know its an act.

R: not till you tell me what the hell just happened.

A: what do you mean? nothing-

R: I know you, and I know your parents. They were mad and you were crying.

I hate to poke a bruise, but I knew he was gonna try to bottle it up if I didn't.

a: what? no I was just-

R: listen man. I'm your friend. you can tell me if somethings going on-

a: i told you nothing-

R: are your parents getting a divorce?

hey at least mine won't be the first

A: no I-

R: Alex you can tell me- unless you don't want to....

A: no I do I- I told my parents.

he starts to cry even more

R: told your parents...?

A: I told them I- that I'm- that I like men and-

I hug him and he cries into my shoulder

R: listen. lets get to school so we can talk about this.

hes for sure wondering why we would go to school to talk about his deepest darkest secret, but talking about this in an empty bathroom has to be better than in the middle of the street- besides, Luke always knows what to do in these kind of situations. so I haul my friend to school.

Alex pov

Reggie drags my miserable self to school while holding two backpacks and trying to console me. He's the best. instead of cooperating though, I cry almost the entire way and try really hard to hide my face in my hoodie when I see kids from school. I really don't want to go to class like this, but I know I have to. thank god for reggie- without him I'd still be crying in my parents house like the worthless fag I am. when we get to class though, reggie whispers something to the teacher, and when she nods he grabs my arm and takes me to the bathroom.

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